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Your POV:

I stared at him incredulously something more in explanation but he didn't.
"What do you mean by that?," I asked because apparently not him, but I needed explaining.
"Exactly that," he said matter of factly.

"Why-wha-," I stuttered. "Why shouldn't I go with sunbae?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Because I don't like him." He shrugged.

Okay, coconut head! That's rude of you!

"And why is that?," I was growing impatient by the second.
"I just don't. And more so, don't agree to his condition." He was talking like a stubborn child. Or maybe that's just my mind.

"You sound paranoid. He's my friend and you don't even know him. I will not tolerate you demeaning my friends, Jungkook. He hasn't done anything to deserve this attitude from you! And he's keeping my secret for that condition. Plus I already agreed. Don't worry, he won't let the cat out," I said, thinking he was being this way because he was scared about sunbae ratting me out.

He was about to say something when my phone rang. I blushed because my ringtone was "blood sweat and tears" and quickly picked it up partly to shut the song up.

"Hello?," I said and noticed Jungkook smirking. Ah, at the ring tone.
"Did you get the day off?," it was sunbae. Jeez why is everyone getting on my nerves today?

"Yes, sunbae. I'll be there."

"Why is he so persistent?," Jungkook asked as soon as I hung up.
"I don't know. Maybe he's excited about the concert too?," I replied as if talking to myself.

"I really don't like him."

I looked him straight in the eye, and said, "I don't really care."

And with that, I smirked back and left, leaving him shocked.

I just cracked the coconut head in half! Hah! Oh my God... why do I keep forgetting my place?

Turning around, I bowed and scurried off, leaving a very amused Jungkook in my wake.

~1 month later~

"Yaaaaaaasssss!! It's today!! Today is the concerrrrrrt," I screamed into the phone but I'm sure Yoona didn't lose her ear because she probably lost her throat screaming louder.

"Y/n finally made it!! You've persevered for this day," she half laughed, half screamed.

Calming down, I picked my bag up and tried not to skip all the way to work.

The arena was already packed with people and the backstage area was a mess. As I walked around, my excitement built up because it was actually the first time I'd been backstage for a concert.

Well it's the first time you've been to a concert, bitch. Period.

There were a lot of rooms and I was glad each one had a sign board hanging next to it or else I'd be lost.

You ARE lost, bitch.

I tried not to panic and took my phone out to ask unnie where the dressing room was, but her number was switched off. So I tried Jungkook.

"Ducky," he spoke. I rolled my eyes.
"Um.. I'm kinda lost. Can you guide me to the dressing rooms?"
He laughed. "You mean guide you... to me?"
I blushed and my tongue rolled back in an attempt to choke me when he laughed out loud saying, "You're blushing right now, aren't you? Aren't you, ducky?"

I blushed even harder, a little because of anger but mostly in embarrassment. "Anyway, tell me where you are. I'll come get you, since you won't come to me," I could literally feel his smirk out of the phone.

"Ahem, I'm standing next to the store room," I said finally finding my voice.

"There you are," he said as he approached me. That was fast.
I looked at him. "You're almost ready. I don't think I'm needed," I pouted. For some reason, I felt sad about not being the one to get them ready. Maybe it was because it had been me who had been doing their makeup for this long now or whatever, but I felt a little pang at thinking someone else did his. THEIRS I mean.

What? Why would I mind someone else doing his makeup?

"Who.. er, did your makeup?," I asked casually as we walked.
He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Why? You're jealous?"
I blushed and looked away. The scoffed, "As if. They didn't do a good job is all."
He stopped short, blocked my way and turned around to look at me, the same amused look on his face that made my insides burn in hell.

"Oh, really? So not only are you insulting Jihye noona," he smirked and carried on, "You're telling me I don't look presentable without makeup?"

Oh no. Oh no no no no! Look for escape. You can not get out of this alive, bitch and you deserve this. Your big mouth! Just pull your tongue out and strangle yourself with it!

I gulped. My jealousy got the better of me. I was aware of my heated face going on full blast when he moved towards me in the narrow passage... until I hit the wall.

I was stuttering by the time he was blocking my escape.
"You know we can wait for your answer for as long as you like. It's you who needs to go meet with your friends before the concert starts anyway," he said, looking down on me.

"I-I j-just.. thought you h-had m-ma-makeup b-because you l-look g-good a-as if you're wearing some," I said looking down at his chest. He was wearing one of those silk shirt with a low vee cut and I felt hot in the nose. Shit, a nosebleed.

I quickly put my hand on my nose, which earned me a breathy chuckle from him.

"But you said they didn't do a very good job. You thought I had makeup on, and not good at that."

Realizing it was time to tell the truth, I slumped down, mortified. I removed the hand off my nose and felt the blood trickle down.

But I didn't care.

"W-well, I was.. um, jealous," tears of humiliation pricked my eyes while blood of sheer pervertedness leaked from my nose.

I dared not look at him but coughed when he leaned so close to me that his nose brushed my hair as he spoke, "Well, now you know how I feel."

And maybe it was my imagination, but it felt like he kissed my hair...

Maybe it was my imagination because Jungkook's chest started coming closer to my face and everything else started going numb and black.

A/n: sorry not sorry 🤗
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