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Jungkook's POV:

What happened to y/n?

"I quit."

These were the last words she had said to me and I hadn't seen her since. I just didn't get what she was so upset about.

I saw the reaction of ARMY and I could pretty much guess she was hurt by it too...

But what I didn't get was why was she this hurt. I mean sure, your idol starts dating and you cry but her reaction was something more of a heartbreak.

My God. Is that what it is? She's heartbroken because hyung is dating? She doesn't even know him like that!

I sighed, irritated.

I planned to confront her and demand to know what her problem was. What really ticked her off. I mean we were friends, right?

Crap. I'm not even sure about that. I pissed her off real bad. I don't even know why I did that! I just somehow wanted her to say she didn't care about hyung's news... but kind of knew it really was. Why did I not want it to be true? So much that in my anger, I even hurt her.

But then I realized she couldn't just quit by telling me. She would need to resign officially.

With that thought, I called her. She didn't pick up. I called again, she disconnected. And then, powered off.

Frustrated, I fell back on my bed and rubbed my eyes.

Why did I not just have left her alone that day? What do I do to fix this now?

I decided to talk to her at school the next day and with that plan, I slept thinking of the scenarios where she punches me with her small mochi fists.

Smiling, I drifted off.

Your POV:

I was so overwhelmed, that I broke down the moment I was in the confines of my room.

I wasn't proud of my reaction and I wasn't happy about misbehaving with Jungkook...

And I certainly was not happy about quitting.

I took out my phone and clicked on a folder named BTSXME❤

And a flood of my edits displayed on the screen...

Me with Jimin.. taking a selca.

Me and Taehyung on the couch..

Me and Jin doing finger hearts...

Me and J-hope in the dorms..

And finally..

Me and Rap monster.. his lips just barely touching my cheek..

"Aahh this hurts so much! He would be doing all this for real with Hyuna..," a hoarse cry escaped my lips as I deleted my edits with Rap monster...

It was like breaking up with an imaginary boyfriend.

And a rueful chuckle hurled out on the thought I'd have to face 5 more brutal, imaginary breakups.

As I made my way to the bed, I tried to reason that I was still a fairly lucky person to have seen them this up close. I was the meteor that passed the stars. What were the odds of that happening?

Closing my eyes, I tried to sleep. Maybe the morning light would help.

...and then my phone rang. I had already talked to Yoona and we both had cried our eyes out on the news so why would she call now?


I debated picking it up but since I was still mad at him, I ignored it. I needed a little space.


"Cheer up, y/n!," Yoona said. The cafeteria was as noisy as always. I guess only I was moping.

I smiled. "You wouldn't have said that if it were Jungkook dating."

She pouted and asked, "Rapmon is your bias?"
I chuckled. "Forget it. It's cool. It's not like they're gonna stay single for all the crazy fans," and as I said it, I realized how stupid my outburst was.

It was as if I was crying about a stranger getting kicked in the nuts.

Thinking about it that way, I actually felt a lot better.


I skipped PE and went up to the rooftop to get a little privacy. I pulled my phone out and stared sadly at the last edit of Rapmon and sighed. I was about to delete it when someome snatched my phone from my hand.


"Jungkook-ssi...," and suddenly I felt embarrassed about the way I talked to him the last time.

No. Hold your ground. He did wrong, no matter how beautiful he is- okay, what the hell, inner y/n?

"We're back on honorifics? I liked being close with you, ducky," he pouted.

"Well, well, well... look what we have here," he smirked as he looked at the picture.

My cheeks flared up and I said, "please hand it over."

"What, this? Oh no. Let me see your photoshop skills," he laughed. "Ooooh look there's you on the couch with Tae hyung. And," he laughed again, "you in the dorms with Hoseok hyung? Nice, ducky."

He was laughing and I felt more and more embarrassed.. why am I not fainting now?

"Wait a minute," He suddenly stopped laughing. "Why isn't there any of mine?"

I was speechless.

"Because these pictures were boyfriend material and I didn't fit?," he said bitterly.

My heart constrained. "I'm sorry! It's been quite long I made one... so...," I trailed off.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Let's make one right now then. Seeing that Rap monster's slot is a gaping hole now."

Before I could ask what he meant, he was right beside me in a swift motion and he leaned over my shoulder until his breath grazed my cheek...

...and mine hitched in my throat.

"Say cheese," he said suddenly and it happened so quickly, I stood frozen.

He kissed my cheek and snapped at photo whilst doing it.

"Well, I win because," he whispered in my ear, "mine is real."

I was faintly aware of peeing myself a little.

The entire world was at my feet. And my mind went on like a broken record:

Jeon Jungkook just kissed my peasant cheek and I'm never washing my face. Jeon Jungkook just kissed my peasant cheek and I'm never washing my face. Jeon Jungkook just kissed my peasant cheek and I'm never washing my face.

I heard Jungkook laugh but my whole body was numb, excluding the cheek which had become barbequed by then so I couldn't really move.

"Ducky, look at your face," he laughed and showed me the picture.

I was too dumbfounded to dig a hole and die when I saw my eyes popping out of their sockets as Jungkook leeched onto my cheek.


Just cuz some of you asked for an update... imma fail lol. K bye xD

Pleaseu pleaseu pray T.T I got 964/1100 in one of the mocks 😭

Oh and since I'm a noob I recently came to know if there's more votes on my story, more people read it xD so please leave votes and comments! Don't be a silent reader ^_^

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