Seth Jones-sick

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For nutiknowenglish  hope you like it!

I was staying with my brother Seth in Columbus while I was going to college. Him being the nice brother he is asked, me if I wanted to after he was traded to the Columbus blue jackets.

Now here I was coughing up my lungs with a fever and I keep almost passing out. So, I decided to take some NyQuil and lay down.

I was home alone because, Seth was playing right now. I was laying across the coach with the game on. They were winning by two against whatever team. I started to feel my eyes droop.

I guess I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up there was ramen noodles and a burnt grilled cheese on the table in front of me. While my brother had my feet on his lap so he could sit on the couch.

"I made your favorite for dinner. Did you stay up that late last night? You slept for a good couple hours. But, man do you kick hard." He says rubbing my shin and looking at me with concern.

"I'm good" I reply looking at him and starting to sit up.

"I'm gonna go get changed for bed. I'll be back out in a couple minutes." Seth says getting up and going to his room upstairs.

I stare at the blank TV screen and start to get dizzy from sitting up. I lean back into the chair and start to feel really clammy. I must have been sitting there for a few minutes because Seth came down stairs dressed in Columbus pajama pants and an old warn down t-shirt.

"You haven't even touched your food. What's going on?" He asks with concern as he sits next to me.

"Hmm? Oh, I don't feel that good."
"What's wrong?" He asks putting his hand to my head concern covering his eyes.

"Your burning up. I'm gonna go get the thermometer." He says and gets up going to the bathroom to get it. He comes rushing back a minute later.

He then puts the thermometer under my tongue. We wait for a minute or two then it beeps.
"101.5" he reads.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." He says putting his arms under my Legs and upper back and then proceeding to grab his Keys and phone.

"I'm okay, it will go away." I say trying to get out of his arms.

"Your going to the doctor. I know you don't like hospitals or doctors but, you need to go. You will only get better if we know how to treat it." He says as he puts me in the car.

We get to the hospital and there is a one hour wait.

When we finally get back about two hours later. I am diagnosed with a mild strain of a cold virus. I was given medicine and told to sleep and drink plenty of fluids.

Of course, when we got home he carried me inside and up to my room. Then ran to get my prescription filled after bringing me a glass of water and my phone with his contact already selected.

When he got back he gave me soup and crackers so I could take my medicine. I ate a few crackers and only about a fourth of my soup. He then gave me my medicine and stayed with me for the night. Getting up every couple hours to get a cold washcloth to put on my forehead or the back of my neck.

"I don't want to get you sick. Go to your own room." I grunted.

" You would stay with me and take care of me when I'm sick so I'm doing it for you."

"Yeah, but I'm not a pro athlete. I'm a college student. Big difference with who needs to be sick and who doesn't." I grunt again.

"Be quite and go to sleep. You have to listen to me because I'm older." He says tauntingly.

"By like a year. We still graduated in the same class."

"Quite young one. Go to bed." He says putting his hand over my mouth lightly.

Me being the great sister I am licked his hand.

"That's gross." He says wiping his and on my bed spread.

"Night dork." I say turning over and cuddling up in my covers.

"Back at ya." He says getting on my bed on top of the covers.

Needless to say I have the best brother ever.

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