Leon Draisaitl- I'm Sorry- Part 2

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Request:I need a part two to that Leon imagine 😍😍😍.


I wake up to the small bit of light burning my eyes making me groan and roll over, moving the covers to cover my head.

"Alright, come on, you have been in bed for way to long. Plus it's, five at night." My best friend, Elizabeth, says as she pull the covers all the way off the bed.

"I'm fine."

"When was the last time you went into the sun? You look like a ghost. Come on get ready." She says throwing me a towel and some clothes.

"I will meet you in the living room in an hour. If your not down there I will drag you." She says leaving the room.

"This is so stupid. Can't I be upset in peace." I think to myself as I fall back onto the mattress.

"I don't hear water running!" She yells, making me sit up.

"I don't hear water running." I mumble under my breath, imitating her.


"No! No way on gods green earth am I going anywhere near there! That's where he goes!" I exclaim in regards to my best friends stupid idea.

She wants us to go to the club that my ex always go to with his team! It's ridiculous! Plus, it's more like the place you would go to have a bachelor party.

"Yes we are. We are gonna get drunk, have a great time, and show him what he lost." She says getting out of her Jeep.

I groan but follow suit.

"Look, you got this. You look hot as hell. He's going to regret ever doing that to you." She says giving me a hug.

"Your right, I look hot as hell." I reply with a sudden burst of confidence.

"She's back!" Liz shouts.

"Come on, lets go have fun!" I giggle dragging her in.

When we get in the music is pounding, and the energy is high. We both quickly make our way to the bar.

That was when I saw him. He was sitting in the VIP with the guys. There where a bunch of girls sitting around him.

After seeing that I turned back to the bartender and asked for a shot of whiskey and a shot of vodka. I took both before going to the dance floor to find Elizabeth.

We both dance for a good thirty minutes till I have to use the restroom.

"Hey, I'll be back. I gotta use the bathroom." I shout to her Over the music.

As I start to walk that way, I realize I have to pass the VIP area.

"Okay, just keep you head down and walk quickly." I think to myself.

"Not like he would want you, back he already moved on." The voice in the back of my head whispers, making me take a deep breath.

By this point I'm about to pass him.

"Okay, I'm almost by, just a few more steps and I'm done." I think to myself.

For once my plan worked. He didn't even see me


When I joined Liz again, she said that she signed me up for some sort of competition.

"Up for the lap dance competition is (y/f/n) (y/l/n).........." After that I tuned out. That was till I heard

"Oscar Klefbom and Leon Draisaitl."

"Everyone please welcome them to the stage."

"Look, you don't have to-" Liz started.

"I'm gonna dance with Oscar." I say quickly before going onto the stage and standing in front of himLeon looked at me with curios eyes.

"The ladies will pick there partners name out of a hat. First up is (y/n)" the announcer says.

I quickly grab a name hoping for it to be anyone but Leon's.

"Leon Draisaitl" The man reads as he take the paper from me.

I look at Leon and see him smirking, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Guess it's my lucky day." He says.
Once everyone chose their partner. All the girls are handed blindfolds.

"You all will blindfold your partner." The music starts and so do I.

I basically do stuff from Magic Mike with minor changes. It seems to work too.

The song soon ends and it the guys turns. Though we aren't blindfolded.

Leon immediately starts with actual Magic Mike stuff.


But as soon as it's done. I'm off the stage. Trying to get some fresh air to clear my head.

It doesn't work very well though.

Leon quickly runs after me and grabs my elbow before I can even take a breath of the cool night air.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asks staring into my eyes.

"There isn't anything to talk about." I reply trying to get my arm free.

This is only for him to grab my other arm, so I have to be face to face with him.

"I miss you." He says looking deep into my eyes.

"So you get a lap dance from me and then you miss me." I reply back with a sarcastic laugh.

"I missed you before. I think about you all the time, baby-girl." He says rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"You weren't thinking about me before you, slept with someone else." I reply breaking free from his grip in time to see Liz come out.

"I was drunk, it was a mistake." He says adjusting his SnapBack.

"No, we were." I reply starting to walking back toward Liz who is waiting by her car.

Yet again I'm stopped. This time by what he says.

"No, what I did was. You deserve so much better. You deserve a guy who is always home, who knows how to cook and do cool crafts with you. Who knows how to treat you like a princess, hell to treat you like the queen you are. Which I wasn't, hell I'm still not. But Please, give me one more chance! I promise I won't blow it! We can start as friend! Whatever makes you comfortable! I just can't lose you! Please!" He begs, walking toward me and grabbing my hands. His eyes are filled with regret and tears.

"We can be friends Leon. Nothing more for now." I reply giving his hands a squeeze as tears pour from my eyes.


"Babygirl, I'm right here are you okay?" Leon asks shaking me awake. He is sitting up with concern covering his features.

"Leon!" I practically yell flinging myself into him. Full of fear. That was the worst dream ever.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks rubbing his hand on my cheek.

"I had a nightmare."

"About what?" He asks cradling me to his bare chest.

"You cheated on me and had a kid with someone else and we broke up and, and, we saw each other at the club. We ended up just being friends. It scared me Leo, I though- I thought-" I scramble out, tears running down my face.

"Shhhh, shhhhh. It was just a nightmare, okay? I would never do that to you." He says laying down and pulling me onto his chest.

He starts humming and running his and through my hair.

NHL imagines (requests closed) (3-18-18)(#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now