Zack Werenski- Drunk

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Warning: Mentions of alcohol. Mentions of the nasty (nothing happens).

"Babe?" I hear Zach answer the phone.

"B-babe, where, where are you. Your missin all the fuuuun." I reply drunkly.

"Are you drunk?" He asks.

"May, maybe, just a bit." I reply, while stumbling out the door of the bar.

"Babe, where are you?" Zach asks. I hear him grabbing his keys.

"At a bar" I reply giggling, while also drunkly stuttering.

"Which one baby?" He asks calmly.

"The-um-the-uh....I don't, I don't, remember." I slur, taking a shot that my friend brought me.

"Where is it baby?" He replays still sounding very calm.

"It's-its-by the i-c-e place." I slur, saying ice slowly.

"Okay baby, stay on the phone with me, okay?" He asks sounding like he is speaking to a child.


The line fills with silence.



"Your name, its funnnn, ta say." I reply while swaying back and forth. My tennis shoe covered feet being the only reason I haven't busted my butt.

His reply is a mix between a laugh and a giggle. Followed by him saying he was almost here.

Soon after, I hear a car door close then feel an arm around my waist, so I instinctively move away.

"Relax baby, it's just me." Zack whispers in my ear, guiding me to the passenger side of his car.

"Oh, Zacky." I reply sloppy kissing the side of his head as he buckles me in.

"Yeah, it's me." He replies kissing my forehead. Then closing the door, only after making sure I was secure and wouldn't get hurt.

As he starts driving he keeps looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Wha?" I ask. Catching his eye.

"You are absolutely hammered." He says with a slight giggle.

"You should get hamm-ered too." I reply breaking apart the word 'hammered'.

"Then who would take care of you baby?" He asks, putting his hand on my knee in a comforting way.

"I don't know." I reply like a child.

"I love you Zacky." I reply breaking the silence that had covered the car.

"I love you too babe." Zack replies as we pull up to the house.

"Wait right where you are, okay baby." Zack says, more than asks, as he gets out and jogs over to my side of the car.

When he gets over to my side he unbuckles me and picks me up with one arm behind my knees and the other around my lower back.

All the while he is carrying me back, I am also kissing his jaw and neck.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Zack asks, giggling as he sets me on the bed. Him sitting on the bed also so he could unite his shoes.

"I'm ready." I say as I start to get out of my clothes.

"What?"Zack asks looking at me like I lost it.

"I said I'm ready."I rely straddling his lap.

"I heard what you said, but no." He says looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Why, am I not hot enough?" I ask as I kiss his neck.

"Babe, your drunk. I'm not gonna take your virginity while your drunk and not thinking clearly.

You said you wanted to wait till marriage." Zack says taking me off his lap and putting one of his big shirts on me.


"Baby girl, no, I'm not gonna take advantage of you. Your drunk. I want you to remember your first time. Not have it be a drunk blur." He says lifting the covers on my side so I can get in.

"Stay here, I'm gonna get you a trash can, some water, and some medicine." He says creasing my hair and kissing my forehead.

When he comes back he puts the things by my side and makes me drink at least a third of the water.

Then he tucks me in and we cuddle.

"Thank you." I say turning in his arms to face him.

"For what?" He ask looking at me curiously, brushing his fingers lightly against my cheek.

"For not taking advantage of me. It means a lot. A lot of other guys wouldn't of cared."

"I will never do anything like that. I promise. I will never take advantage of you. Your too perfect of a woman for stupid decisions like that." He says kissing me on the head before turning out his light.

That night both of us fell asleep cuddled together. Though I did wake up with an awful hangover.

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