Brandon Manning- Skate

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"Babe?" Brandon says while laying next to me in bed.


"I wanna teach you how to skate." He says turning over to look at me, while also wrapping his arm around my waist brining me closer to his chest.

"No, no way am I going to trust myself on knife shoes. I can barely walk normally."

"Please" Brandon says with a pout.


"What about if we bet?"

"On what?"I ask sitting up.

"If I beat you at COD then you have to let me take you skating." He says while sitting up.


"Nice" he says while getting up and going to the living room me not far behind.


"Yes! I win!" Brandon shouts while standing up.

"By one." I reply

"I still won. Come on get your shoes on."


"We are going to the rink now." He says as he stands up waking to the room to get dressed to leave the house.

"Best two out of three?!" I call up the stairs to him.

"No, common and get dressed." He calls back down.

"Fine." I whine while slowly going up the stairs.

"Babe, are you coming?" Brandon asks

"Yes," I reply as I see him come out of the room shirt less.

"Really, by the time you get up here the rink is gonna be closed." He wines

"Oh what a shame that would be." I reply sarcastically while stopping about mid way up the stairs.

"Fine." Brandon says while walking down the stairs, picking me up, slinging me over his shoulder and carrying me to the room.

"Are you gonna put me down?" I ask as Brandon stands for about a minute once we get in the room, all the while not letting me down.

No response

So, I do the logical thing and slap his butt, making him screech slightly.

"Are you gonna get ready so we can go?" He asks, with me still slung over his shoulder.

"Yes, now put me down." I whine


"Okay, do you need me to tie your skates?" Brandon asks.

"No, I've never skated before but I can tie skates." I reply sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Very cute babe, very cute."

Brandon says while kneeling in-front of me to tie my skates.

"Thank you." I say after he has tied my skates and helped me standup.

As we walk to the ice I almost fall causing Brandon to continue the walk with his arm around my waist, holding me close to him.

When we finally approach the ice, Brandon gets on first, then waits for me to give him my hands though I am very hesitant.

"Baby girl, I will never let anything hurt you okay?" He asks while urging me to grab his hands.

"O-okay." I rely while the butterfly's are going crazy in my stomach and my nerves about skating are coming through.

"There you go, now put your wait in the foot on the ice and place your other one near it." Brandon instructs, still holding my hands.

As my other foot makes contact with the ice I start to fall forward, only to be caught by Brandon. My head and hands against his chest and his arms around my waist.

"Told you I wouldn't let you fall." He says into my ear. Sending shivers down my spine.

"Thank you." I reply slowly separating myself from him.

"Okay, how about we get you used to the feeling of having skates on first." He says turning me around so my back was to his front. His arms wrapped snugly around my waist. He places his feet on the outside of mine.

"Keep your head up, keep your knees bent and try to keep your ankles straight." He instructs moving his head to rest on my shoulder.


"There you go, babe" he says as he starts to release my waist slowly.

"No! No! Do not let go!" I yell out in panic.

"Babe, you will be fine. I'm right here." He says as he completely let's go and comes to skate backwards in front of me.

Just as he says this I fall forward, knocking both of us to the ice. Me laying on his chest while he is on his back.

As we stare intensely into my eyes I see him start to sit up. He slowly cups my face. Then slowly brings me down to him.

As our lips meet in a sweet and soft kiss he starts to smile and so do I. I mean what can I say, that boys smile is contagious.

As we break apart he says the three words we have yet to share with each other.

"I love you." He whispers his breath fanning across my face.

Making me get butterfly's in my stomach.

When I don't reply immediately he searches my eyes for any indication of what I'm thinking.

"I love you too." I whisper back, while also going in for another kiss.


"And that's the first time your dad and I said "I love you." I explain to my daughter answering her question.

"Wow." The young child says in awe.

"But mommy." She says


"That's not what daddy told me." She says innocently.

"Brandon!" I call to my now husband from the living room.

Needless to say, Brandon, Mackenzie and I got the story straightened out. At least a little.

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