Chapter 15 ✨

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"Goodmorning Haru! Are you ready for today cuz I am !" I flinched at Naruto's loud voice. "Hey Naruto, and yes of course I'm ready for today." I confidently replied leaning back on the wall. Only a few minutes later Sasuke approached us and an awkward silence took over. Now I understand why there would be tension between Sasuke and I, but what the heck happened with Naruto?

They're acting kinda weird...

He and Sasuke have been acting like a pair of competitive five year olds lately, it makes me wonder what went down between them!

"Where's Sakura?" I ask not feeling her chakra presence near us at all. Sasuke doesn't reply but Naruto becomes a bit worried as I could see it on his face.

Slowly but surely, I felt Sakura's presence coming nearby. "She's on her way guys"

Both Sasuke and Naruto looked at me weirdly "How do you know Haru?" Sasuke didn't ask but I know he was thinking the same thing.

"Well I am a sensor ninja, I dunno it has something to do with genetics for me." Naruto had a look of awe on his face and Sasuke, well he stayed the same.

"WHOAH Haru thats so cool! I'm going to be sensor ninja too! Believe it!" I quirked a brow and smirked at him. "Yeah! It's kinda weird to get the hang of but you'll do fine, Naruto."

I turned around and smiled at Sakura who was hesitantly walking over to us. "Sakura you made it, good job." I said patting her on the back. She's nervous, and I could tell. Poor thing, she may dislike me but we have to work together now.

"Hey your late." Naruto pointed out and I elbowed his ribcage causing him to fall to the floor and twitch. What the ? Since when has he been so sensitive?

"Uh right, hey guys" Sakura said waving shyly at us instead of lashing out. I nodded at her and pulled Naruto up from the floor by his collar.

"Let's go guys, Our team is the best and we can't be late!" He grabbed Sakura one of Sakura's hands and one of my hands. He started pulling us to the inside and I dragged Sasuke with us out of reflex.

We entered a crowded hall, and there seemed to be a commotion at the doors. We all let go of each other and walked in unison to the front of the room where we saw two guys blocking the gate.

I narrowed my eyes at the weird vibes in this room. I leaned towards Sasuke "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He looked at me briefly and nodded.

This feels like some sort of Genjutsu but I can't be sure.

Sasuke switched with Naruto so Sakura and I were standing on either side of him. While the two guys were talking Sasuke had to be arrogant and interrupt. "Real nice speech, now both you step aside and let me through"

I stepped up next to him before he could continue. "While your at it get rid of that below average genjutsu, we're going on the third floor." He glared at me for finishing his sentence while we heard murmurs behind us about the genjutsu.

Hmm that's strange, could they really not tell?

"So you noticed the Genjutsu huh?" I nodded and Sasuke smirked. "Go ahead tell them Sakura, I'm sure you saw it before anyone else did." I nodded in agreement. I actually don't agree because I felt it even before we entered the building BUT for brownie points I'm trying to make my team look somewhat like a threat.

"Hn, you have the sharpest eyes and best analytical skills on our squad. I'm sure you saw it a mile away."

I looked back at Sakura who seemed a bit clueless and I clicked my tongue in frustration.

"I must have?" She asked and I nodded "Of course you must have." I muttered trying to get her to see the point.

She realized my point and she smiled, becoming confident so quickly. "Well sure, of course, sure I spotted it right away, this is only the second floor." She said and I nodded slightly in approval.

"Right!" Naruto added as if he understood what was actually happening.

The genjutsu was unleashed and the room number was revealed to truly be on the second floor.

I looked back at Sakura and Naruto, I also made sure Sasuke was listening. "Guys if everyone is that stupid and dense for the chunin exams then it must be a peace of cake!" I whispered and Saskue smirked, I could tell my squad was getting confident but I don't know if thats a good thing or not.

"Hn well aren't we the smart ones, Lets see you deal with this!" The spiky haired one said,I saw felt his chakra spike up and Sasuke went to deliver a kick.

But my eyes were too slow, a guy in a green jumpsuit and interesting bowl cut appeared between the both of them and stopped their taijutsu attacks. Welp, Now I know not to mess with him.

A girl and a guy, walked forward, but the boy seemed pretty annoyed. "Hey what happened to the plan? I thought you were the one who said we should keep a low profile and shouldn't let anyone see our skill level."

Hey thats actually a pretty good plan

The green jumpsuit dudes cheeks flushed in some frustration and the girl just told them both to forget it.

Green jumpsuit dude walked up to our squad, well more specifically Sakura. "Hey, my names rock lee, you are Sakura right?" I quirked a brow at him and looked back at Sakura's confused face.

"Please be my girlfriend! I vow to protect you with my life!" My jaw dropped in shock and both of his teammates seemed annoyed, as if this was an everyday occurrence. Sakura had sulk lines appear all around her, hm seems like I'm rubbing off on her.

"Definitely. . . Not"  "B-but why?" He asked and she didn't hold her tongue when she called him a weirdo. I just face palmed in the background at this whole situation. Naruto laughed and I elbowed him again, making him fall to the ground.

What the heck? I should try elbowing people more often if they're all going to react like this. Rock Lee's whole deamanour brightened from his earlier state of depression when I made awkward eye contact with him. His eyes turned into large hearts and I looked in back of myself to find no one.

Wait so that means. . . Oh no

He skipped over to me and stood right in front of me "Oh My! My eyes have never seen such a beautiful and tall girl as you! What's your name?!" My ruby red eyes widened and I looked at my squad for some kind of help but they were all as shocked as myself.

"My names Haru" I deadpanned, He. . . twirled? Oh gosh what is wrong with this guy ? "Will you be my girlfriend?!" I shook my head at him "Sorry, I'm not interested." I deadpanned and he slumped his shoulders dramatically. Naruto laughed even harder again

Rock Lee's team mates walked towards us, "Hey you, over here, whats your name?"  We could all tell it was directed to Sasuke, and Naruto seemed to take it a bid too personal. I walked towards the light eyed boy and Sasuke, "It's common courtesy to give your own name before asking someone else's " I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Sasuke's arrogance.

"Hey your a rookie aren't you? How old are you anyway?" The light eyed boy asked but Sasuke said he wasn't obliged to answer. . . But whats wrong with answering?

Sasuke turned back to us and from my peripheral vision I saw rock lee and Naruto sulking in a corner. "Hey Naruto, Haru, Sasuke, let's go." Sakura said, I nodded a bit in agreement.

As all four of us were walking up the stairs to the third floor I started getting excited, even though I don't show it on the outside. Hey I wonder if Gaara's here? Oh he probably is, I still need to thank him for helping me out the other day.

"Haha Chunin Exams here we come!" Naruto yelled and I slightly smirked.

We're so gonna pass.


YAY so basically my favorite part of non shippuden Naruto is here!

I'm So excited yAS.

By the way, don't be silent readers guys, I love interacting with everyone and reading comments!

SO ANYWAYS, See y'all next chapter!

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