Chapter 29 ✨

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Recap: "C'mon you snake goon I don't have all day!" I I teased twirling one of my crystal kunais around my finger

I better not end up on the unconscious list with those two after this

She threw a bunch of senbon needles my way, and some of them actually hit me while I managed to dodge the others.

I ripped one out of my arm and glared at the thin needle. Are these bells attached to them?

I glared at her and ripped them all out of my body, luckily none of them hit a vital spot.

She ran towards me with the intent to stab me some more with her needles, little does she know that close range is all I want.

I placed my palm out in front of my body calmly and smirked as she got as close as possible.

Tenzo sensei came to my mind quickly before I said the words "Hand of waves."

Her eyes widened when a powerful jet of water came crashing towards her. Water and pressure, a good combination in my book.

Her upcoming attack was easily avoided because of the water jetting from my hand and she was badly injured because of how close she was to the starting point of the water.

I took off one of my gloves and threw it to the side revealing my tattoos, knowing it would only get in the way of my fight. 

I noticed she eyed the tattoos on my hand in surprise. Gosh what's so weird about a twelve year old having an entire hand tattoo'd?

.....okay so I now realize that it does sound bad.

I wanted to cry out in frustration when I realized that there wasn't a lot of water around me, and in order to use water techniques in this case I would need to exhort way more chakra than usual.

But I like water jutsu! I can't use crystal all the time, and wood jutsu is forbidden!

I'm limited to earth jutsu, the one element I know nearly nothing of. This makes no sense in my mind, tenzo sensei made such a big deal about wood release and I like using it!

But he taught me barely any earth style jutsu, where's the logic in that?! Wouldn't you need to use earth jutsu to get to wood? I'm so confused.

I sighed to myself when I realized how the odds were against me but I must push through it! Even if I have to resort to biting my enemy!

Okay so this is what ill do, I'll take out Kin first, then I'll take out Zaku, then I'll take out Dosu!

If only it were that easy.

I stared at the section of boulders a few feet away from where I was standing and smirked.

Kin appeared from behind the boulders and threw more senbon at me, I again managed to dodge a couple but sadly not all.

But how convenient is this?! I ignored my bloody arms and smiled at her causing her to cast me a weary look.

I shakily held my hands up in the rat sign and smiled as I yelled out "Bedrock coffin jutsu!"

The ground below her started shaking and she couldn't escape as the boulders around her started closing in on her.

I just hope no one breaks my concentration or this'll never work

Of course that didn't go as planned, because as she slowly started to suffocate Zaku came from behind me and threw a fist to the back of my head so that the jutsu would disperse.

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