A theory

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My dad and I was talking in the car about reincarnation, which led to a bunch of theories.  You can just ignore this.
The theory/ reason why reincarnation usually starts with getting run over by a truck.

My  dad said that when you get run over by a truck, you don't know you've been run over. Since it happened so fast, you still retain your consciousness, and is unable to realize that you have died. Perhaps that few seconds after death in which you still retain all your memories, is enough for nature to give you a new body. The equation might be
consciousness =  alive = body, or a vessel.
Theory of reincarnation

Ever heard of the term, nothing is created or destroyed? Sure, maybe bombs destroy stuff, but the debris is what was left of it, meaning that it is still technically there.

Now, when we die we still have souls correct? Now, the question is, what happens to the soul? The answer might be, you get a new life. In other words, the Chinese (I think) theory of reincarnation is very, I mean very possible.

Think about this for a moment, humans population is growing/ expanding, but all other animals population is shrinking. And if we forget about our past life, wouldn't it be possible for our past lives to be say a fish, frog, snake, bird, why one of us could've been a mosquito!
Maybe this is one of the reasons why some of us fear certain animals with no explanation whatsoever, like say someone feared dogs, maybe he/ she was a cat in his/ her  past life. 
Theory of dreams
I just thought of this this second. Dreams, ever had a dream which just simply doesn't make sense?

Like say you dreamt of something you never thought about nor have ever seen? I dreamt of a T-Rex when I was like five, funny thing I've never seen a T-rex not on screen, not a skeleton, not even a picture. I just knew that a T-rex was a dinosaur. So where did that come from? And why did I dream that it nearly ate my family while they were having dinner and that me and my cousin was stuck upstairs, totally safe from it?

So what if it actually happened in my past life? And my subconsciousness introduced it to my actual consciousness? And my consciousness got confused so it depicted it so that everything was human instead of an animal?

Or..... what if dreaming is how we connect to the parallel world's version of our self and earth?

Theory of the end of the world (kinda)

This is also my dads theory. 
So, we as people are killing the earth correct? And what if the guardians of the galaxy were meteorites? I mean, they do go around the galaxy again and again you know?
So what if one day, they decide that there are simply to much humans? Considering that they have a magnetic pull (I think), all they need to do is attract something that is a mile wide, and Boom! Half the earth is destroyed.
Theory of disease
I just realized this, why do humans have so many types of diseases?
I mean, if you compare it to other animals, don't we have way more? So, what if this was how Mother Earth is trying to get rid of us, we are killing it you know? Except we keep countering it, and so Mother Earth keeps making more.
Theory of how the universe was created and the Gods, Goddesses, etc.
In the beginning there was nothing. But there can't be nothing because nothing simply can't create something.

So, what if humans, or something time traveled to the past and brought a bunch of stuff which led to the big bang and all that stuff?

What if all the Gods and Goddesses in the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etc. myth were simply human beings that time traveled?

I mean, Egyptian myth, would human beings really think of people with animal heads out of nowhere? The answer is no, there has to be a reason why it appeared.

Dragons, Chinese dragons, European dragons, and other dragons of the like. How do they all have dragons when it is highly unlikely that they had any contact before and yet still have their own versions of dragons?
Questions of why call this that
I was always wondering, why name a pen a pen, why not name it a pencil? And if want to talk about greek and latin root words and stuff, why did they choose those specific roots?

Why name a pig a pig when you can name it horse?

I'm well aware that I'm probably not the only person that thought of this, but copyright people. At least give credit to me if you want to share (tell someone about) it. The reason is because this took a lot of brain power, and a lot of hard thinking (not really).

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