The legend (Part 2)

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If I didn't know better I'd say that was the original version 

The school specialized in three things, magick, fencing, and spell creation which of course was for males. For female however it was how to run the household (depending on what rank they were), sewing, and arrays. So although they can't use their own magick, they could create a pattern that would direct the surroundings flow of magick somehow. And then there was history even if it was a small kingdom, it has a very long history that dates back to a few thousand years ago, it was also prosperous and there hasn't been any wars for the last hundred years which tells you how strong the kingdom was. History to me is a fickle thing. When we think we know what actually happened there's a twist of some kind, there will always be something we don't know, important things that could change our whole opinion of that part of history.

(Author: I know that history is from historia..... but we shouldn't we look at herstory as well?|
Random person: That was horrible
Author: I try)

At the moment, we were practicing our fencing. Some of the girls were busy drawing us, making half the guys try even harder in their fencing to show of. Some failed and made a fool of themselves while some succeeded in making the girls swoon. For some reason this scene of the boys fencing reminded me of the time in my past life with one of my friends.....

"What kind of idiot is that guy!" she said during a medieval play.

"This whole things stupid," I muttered, I honestly preferred Chinese or Korean plays.

Though what I had said had entered her ear and exited out the other, she continued to rant.

"This is so fake! Look at his stand, it's crooked! It would be so easy to unbalance him, and he has openings everywhere! Even a one year old could beat him!" 

"Quiet! I'm trying to watch here!" my other friend said, leaning forward in anticipation to who would win the duel. This was so predictable, it was obviously the hero that was going to win, live happily after with whoever he fell in love with and all the things that would most likely not happen in today's day and time. 

"Stop dodging my blows and face it like a man!" my partner shouted at me. I ignored it and continued to dodge him. I wasn't much of a sword fighter really.... I preferred a different weapon, a weapon that the nobles sadly considered a peasant weapon for whatever odd reason. A sword was too long for me, yet the reach was to short at the same time. 

When I his movement start to slow, I slid behind him and placed the wooden sword on his neck, "I do quite believe that this victory goes to me."

"W-what!" he sputtered in surprise, "you cheated!"

"Would you like to provide the evidence?" I asked him.

"You used magick! That's not allowed!" 

"Whether or not I used magick or not, if this fight was real you would be dead now. In reality, it doesn't matter if you used underhand tricks or not. You could preserve your pride, dignity and justice but then you could possibly be dead."

"What do you know! You've never been in an actual fight before!"

"Neither have you," I told him with a polite smile, bringing the sword down from his neck. Though that was where he was wrong, I have been in a fight before....just not with a sword; in fact I had been in plenty of fights, at least more than a nobles child should experience. Though he was right about the fact that I had cheated, but it wasn't like I was going to go ahead and admit it. Besides, it wasn't cheating if there wasn't any evidence, or if you were caught.

"Though you can go to the next round in my stead."

"I'm not going to accept your pity!" he raged, I sighed in annoyance.

"If you must know, I'm not giving you charity nor pity. I am not attending the competition," what made him competitive today was the fact that the top swordsmen would go to a tournament and there you could go against other schools from the kingdom and our neighboring kingdom. There you could bring pride or shame to your school and the rewards were also pretty good. Though I had no interest in it as it also brought along it's won shares of trouble. One being called jealousy, another revenge, and a few others that could result in death. I turned around, thanking the fact that everyone else was busy with their own matches to notice our small exchange. Though....I turned to look some of the girls who giggled slightly. I gave them a polite smile, feeling weirded out. 

The next round was more strict, and the duels would probably go on for two to three days before they decide who to bring to the actual tournament. Which is why the other classes were cancelled thankfully. It would most likely continue on Ignis (Monday), giving the students time to rest and prepare. Though it did mean that I could go home early and not attend school 'till the selections were over. I couldn't see what the point in making all the students participate though, perhaps they were thinking that they would discover a hidden gem or something. Though they shouldn't force the students to participate, or maybe the other teachers just wanted a mini vacation.

I headed towards where the coach was supervising the whole thing. He glanced at me and I mouthed if I could go home, he simply nodded before going back to looking at whatever he was looking at before. When I looked towards where he was intently staring at, to see Amir and Tristen fighting. Fay was partnered up with Rider and Kyle....was not there. I shrugged, from what I know of him he should be painting or drawing.

I headed towards the forest so that I could go towards the garden and see for myself what had actually happened and why the females powers were blocked. Even the game didn't explain this..... though they did show how to unblock it. Though the heroine can do that herself.

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