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Ah, today is my first day of school. I can't say I'm excited, it would be harder to avoid the capturable targets. Then again, I had already postponed it as long as possible, one week to be exact. I fiddled around with the uniform for a bit. It was a simple light blue jacket over a dress shirt, black pants and black shoes. It got darker the higher the grade.

I went towards the first class. I was feeling very..... er annoyed. My teeth were clenched and I was doing my best to keep things from exploding or something even worse.

"He's so cute!"

"I know! He's almost on par with prince Amir!"

"But don't you think Fay is more cute?"

"Yes their all cute, but Tristen is the most kindest and handsomest of them all!"

"What about Kyle?"

"Oh, yeah! He's so cute when he stutters!"

I blocked all sounds out, people are very.... opinionated. I could just hear their ridicule and mockery when they hear what my name is. I could trust Fay to ruin my reputation even before I got to school. He still hasn't forgiven me for the 'rejection' five years ago. Boy can he hold a grudge.

Tristen isn't exactly my shadow knight anymore, I mean he's very good at being a 'shadow' and would make a very good knight. It's simply the fact that I made an even better shadow, meaning I could disappear from him any time I want. In truth, I felt as if he was more like a stalker than a shadow knight. Which lead to me avoiding him for a long time and him giving up. 

The prince, ah the prince. He still visits, but I never see him anymore. In conclusion, Fay kinda hates me, Tristen 'ignores' me, and the prince rarely sees me. Overall it was almost like in the game, and I barely had to do anything.

I blame everything on the auto correct, not that I mind exactly, in fact it was rather perfect. It was simply in human nature to blame things other than themselves. Even when one blames themselves, they blame it on their lack of abilities and what they did not exactly themselves.

The first class..... history. Yay, just hear the sarcasm.  I hate history, there is simply no point in it. For those that say that 'it's to learn from our ancestors mistakes' blah blah blah. Hah, History is nothing but a repeat. Like wars, you'd think that people were smart enough not to start them as they usually result in useless deaths. Instead you have to infiltrate them from within, change peoples thinking slowly, make them think their leader was evil then offer light and hope. Basically like the temple of light, 'dark is evil, let us save you from it' that stuff and boom! Not instant, but a pretty quick way of earning trust sometimes a religion is stronger than royalty. People are superstition, how is dark evil? Did you see it doing evil things? No, dark is shadow and shadow is night. Night have stars and stars make you hope and the moon is beautiful. The moon symbolizes the cycle, immortality, perhaps rebirth as to say that it rebirths in every cycle. Now the light, if the light was the sun then how come we could never look directly at the sun like we do the moon? Is it saying that the sun is so full of lie and deceit that no one could never know what it's true nature is? And every morning brings us closer to death, the sun would also one day explode killing all things on earth. Now you tell me who's good and who's evil.

There is also the part where you just corrupt the kingdom from within, weaken them before waging war.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I realized that I was already in front of the classroom I sent a small thank you to the mother tree before entering the classroom.

"Ah, it's good to see you finally join us Mr. Everstone," the teacher said. She looked like a very strict teacher. Immediately the whole class erupted into gossiping.

"It's a pleasure to finally be here," I lied while bowing. 

"You can sit there, in front of my desk if you would like," she said. Somehow I got the feeling that I didn't have a choice. I nodded politely and took my seat, feeling the judgmental gazes of all my classmates.


"Isn't he the guy that bullied Fay?"

"Yeah, I heard that he's really-"

As I predicted. Well, they can bad mouth and hate me all they want. A dogs bark is worse than it's bite, plus in all honesty it has nothing to do with me. If I try to do anything to clear up the misunderstandings, it could simply lead to even more and I might do more harm than good. 

'As long as they leave me alone, I'll be fine,' I thought.

Mini time skip
School was rather boring, the tutor had already taught us all of these things. Perhaps I should consider skipping a grade? It would certainly help with avoiding the capture targets and heroine.

I was about to head home when a large group of girls of about twelve came up to me. I have a feeling that this has something to do with Fay.

"May I help you?" I asked them politely.

"How dare you bully our beloved Fay!" a girl with mahogany colored hair accused.

"Is that so? How come I don't remember bullying this Fay you talk of?"

"Don't you dare go into denial! Our Fay would never lie to us!" she said, which was immediately followed by a chorus of agreements. It seems like she's the leader of this fan club.

"Well then, I apologize for bullying this Fay of yours, please accept this coxcomb to make up for it," I 'sincerely' told them, handing out bouquet of coxcomb. She seemed to falter for a minute before going back to the accusations.

"Don't you think that you'll get away by just giving us flowers!"

"Well, if I did bully this Fay of yours, what can you do about it?"

"W-well, we'd get you expelled for bullying him!"

"And your evidence?"

"We'll find some sooner or later!"

"So you're saying that you don't have evidence as of now?"


"Come back later when you have some solid evidence. I wish you the greatest of luck," afterall, how does one find evidence of something that never happened. Well, there's always framing. Ah well, I'll just figure it out later.

Coxcomb- foppery (foolishness) 

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