The disappearance

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I am tired of this place, I hope people change
                                                                    -Fools by Troye Sivan
I had went to sleep the moment I arrived back in the estate, for some reason time always seemed to flow faster in the hidden garden. I awoke a few hours before the sun rose (very thankful to the fact that the dreams had yet to start). Of course it had to be a few hours, father always woke up early and the servants were awake even earlier. Though it isn't good for my health, and may have stunted my growth just a little bit and given me eye bags, it was always worth it. Plus I usually made up for it during the other days.

Sadly there were no trees growing near my window, the reason being that the roots could damage the floor of the mansion  after a few years. Though it wouldn't it be convenient if it did? But this was what magick was for.

I slowly raised the earth till it reached the bottom of the windowsill, after stepping on it I closed the window and lowered myself before jumping off. I checked to make sure that I didn't leave any trace that I was there in the first place.

After that I lightly sprinted across the grass till I slightly touched the tree and 'disappeared'. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU LOST HIM AGAIN?!" a voice boomed, the sound echoing around the room.

"Please spare this lowly servant Your Highness! I tried my best, I truly did! H-he just disappeared, I-"

"Quiet!" the king ordered, deeply angered. He took a few seconds to calm himself down. 'Rei Everstone, no doubt the one of the most mysterious  people I have ever encountered. To be able to escape the eyes of my royal spies..... you couldn't possibly be planning a rebellion could you? Ah, but that shouldn't be so, the common populace has thought me a wise and fair ruler. There shouldn't be many that would want to rebel, if so....what are you planning, or perhaps your hiding something?'

It should be said that the king wasn't the only to think that way. Many other nobilities had thought the same, Rei Everstone, the most mysterious of them all. The first thing that would've alerted them was his lack of a middle name. The second was the lack of information on him, no matter how much the servants would bribe, they would all repeat the same information. The information that they already knew. 

He was an all rounder, good at nearly everything that he did. He had an adoptive brother named Fay, his shadow knight was Tristen. But even Tristen didn't know much. Where he disappears to every morning, no one knew. How powerful he was. No one even knew what his hobby was! The only fact that was a tad bit important, but was mostly useless was the fact that he gave away flowers quite often. But even that raised a question, where does he get all of the flowers?! Each and every one of the nobilities took pride in there hidden network of spies and connections, so his ability to evade them all truly baffled them and made some people fear for their lives. Even when school started, nothing had changed, other than the fact that they had an idea of his level of power. But he could be using a charm to make himself stronger, or be stronger than what he seemed! He truly gave them headaches. 

Meanwhile, with perhaps a slight idea of what was happening.....
'Ah, sometimes I tire of being born a noble. Sometimes I wish I was born a mob character, as one of the main characters it would be impossible not to attract attention. Though as a mob I could die at any moment. 

I sighed, and started to climb the mother tree. Though sometimes I think of it as my home. I lightly touched the wooden bracelet on my left had, it was a gift from my parents last year, on my fourteenth birthday. As much as I loved my parents, sometimes...... I missed my old ones....

I shook my head, it would be no use to think of them's unlikely that I would ever see them again. 

I felt a leaf wipe the tear that I had unknowingly shed.

Mini time skip
I took a deep breath of air, and freedom. True freedom, with no guards or spies watching me. I appeared near the outskirts of the capital, the commoners part. I checked on the bird of paradise that I had planted a few years ago, it was blooming well and was healthy. I smiled and admired it for a few minutes before I adjusted my bow. Making sure that my arrows were secure in it's case, the case that was attached to my waist like a belt, so that they wouldn't fall out before I reached my destination. 

I let out a smile before slinking through the simple buildings, designed for practical use and not extravagance to show off. Along the way I secured a piece of cloth that covered half my face, I had already applied the black dye (made out of coffee beans) to change my hair color to black.

I arrived at an arena which was starting to fill up with all sorts of people, aristocrats and commoners alike. This event lasted only once a year, if you were young and good enough then there was a possibility of you going to Ultraculia Academy. The same academy that I go to, though if they deemed you too old or if you declined then then an aristocrat (or whoever was hosting the event), may it be a baron or a duke would grant you  any reasonable wish. Though sometimes the prizes were already laid out. 

First, second, and third places would then proceed to the following tournament which was in a week. A tournament for the students of course, though there were some sports that wasn't included. Archery was one of them, it was deemed as a commoners weapon due to the fact that there wasn't much reason to shoot arrows if you already have magick. Which was why I had to practice in 'secret'. It was also a good thing since I certainly didn't want to increase the chances of being found out.

The crossdressing vilainessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora