The competition

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Btw- the mask he's wearing is like a masquarade mask (because I forgot what it was called earlier so....)

It wasn't long before I was called, the crowd wasn't as loud as in the other competitions which suited me just fine. There were a few times that I've been told to stay out of a competition since with me there the winner was more or less predictable....and it looses a few viewers.

The person that I was competing with had a somewhat resentful, dejected look. Most likely a newbie that has heard of me before. Didn't know that I was famous enough to make my opponents loose the will to fight.

The announcer spoke some words and the competition soon began. My competitor was a young man that was around my age, but taller. His first shot struck the outer reaches of the target. Out of focus, he wasn't focusing. This would be a relatively easy match, when you loose hope you have already lost.

Applause rang out through the stage and I quickly left. Again and again I was called out and I won again and again. There were no experts this time around I suppose....

Soon I was called out to receive my prize, which was a thousand silvers. Hopefully Raven would be happy enough with this. Just as I was about to leave, the host said a few words that made me want to hit myself.

"You might already know but all winners of every competitions are required to participate in the grand tournament."

"Raven!" I called out to a shadow, I had already changed my outfit so no one recognized me.

"Lyre! How do you always manage to find me?"

I ignored him and went straight to the point, "we didn't you tell me that all winners were to participate in a grand tournament?"

Actually this was mentioned in the game, I just forgot.

"Oh that, I didn't find out until you were already in the archery competition."

I glared at him, but there was nothing to say. Though he usually was up to date will the latest news there was bound to be a few things that would slip. And those who weren't competitors weren't allowed in the arena, so even if he wanted to he probably couldn't.

I'll just have to drop out.

As if reading my mind he suddenly said, "your not allowed to drop out."

"Why not? They'll be stronger than me anyways."

"They say that you'll be hanged."

"How the hell do I know if your not lying?"

"How dare you think I lie to you?! My only friend, I would never," he said as if offended.

"You would for money," I said pointedly.

He nodded, "well there's that. But I'm not kidding, they say that the king is planning to make a hero party."

Ah yes.........I also forgot about that. I'm pretty sure the demon king would appear at this time, after that war, and then.....if the heroin made the right (wrong) choices it would proceed to the other three games. With the harem creating heroin I get a feeling it would be best if I get out of here along with my family before the war happens.

I suppose I'll just have to loose...but I hate loosing. What a headache.

I glanced at Raven who was grinning from ear to ear before sighing.

Meanwhile (Adeline's POV)
I stared at the sky..... it was nearly time for the competition. I would for sure win, but am I really ready?

What are you talking about? Of course your ready, you've been training for it since you came to this world.

(she's arguing with herself)

But will they accept me?

Of course they would, your beautiful, kind, understanding, everything that a guy would want.

But I can't keep the pretense up for day I'll slip and they'll know the true me....

By that time they'll be too in love to care.

But....what if they still leave me?

Then use charm dummy.

Y-your right.

But it would still be lonely to be surrounded by guys all the time...... I wasn't dumb. I knew that the other girls were jealous of my looks and the fact that I befriended the princes of the school. But they were wrong, in a way I was their friend, but......

"Earth to Addie," Fay said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice!" I said, when I really wanted to push him away at the moment. I hated the eyes he looked at me with, like I was his toy. That was what they all looked at me with. I just wanted to be loved, to have a friend, to have someone to care.

But in there eyes I was nothing.

I knew that they viewed the heroin as a toy in the game......but in the game you don't see their eyes. I didn't know, I really didn't. I thought that it would be easy....but it wasn't. Everything was words in the game, even if they were cold to was a game and it was easy to fast forward and to cheat online. You don't feel the hurt when they turn you down, when they look at you with those eyes. You don't get to restart or go back to the last check point, you had to deal with it.

I was foolish to think that with my previous lives memories it would be easy to conquer their hearts.

But I reap what I sow, I have to finish what I started. Maybe I'll get what I want in the end. Maybe I'll have someone to care about me in the end, maybe.....but I know that something like that won't happen.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't notice Fay staring at her. He noticed the sadness in her eyes, something that offset her personality. Although she seemed pure, innocent, and happy go lucky. The eyes never lie, it was what made him interested in her in the first place. Also the fact that she always seemed to know when he needed someone and what to say.

Like she knew everything about him.

She was also a companion that he often stuck with, she helped him find his hidden power. In fact she helped nearly everyone of them.... she was there when his 'brother' was supposed to be. He felt an odd feeling whenever she was around, but he had always pushed it down. Unfamiliar things were usually dangerous

Though she put his heart to rest, made him forget about Rei and what he had to do.

Because no matter how good Rei was....... someone like her wasn't fit to take over the dukedom.

In the shadows stood a man..... a shadow knight to be exact. Frowning at the interaction between Fay and Adeline. Wishing to step out but not having the courage. It wasn't like approaching Rei who would just brush him of or give him another flower. Rei was strong...and disappeared often.

Adeline was so much more fragile, her eyes says it all.

It was those same eyes that made him want to hit her and comfort her.........but he couldn't. If he fell in love with a girl that wasn't his master.......he'd be stripped of his knighthood.

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