A Cat

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A song recomensed by my friend. Her variety of music is vast since she actually looks up music. I just listen to whatever YouTube or Pandora gives me.

The summary of this chapter is....
A cat in a world of mouses.
Mmmn, I killed before and I didn't experience the nightmares books keep telling you about. Nor did it bother me that much; it was just a fact. I killed a person, and that was that. Maybe it was because of his creepy smile, but it was a very simple fact. I killed someone.

And since I killed someone, it would be fine if I killed more. Just as long as I killed with a good reason—not that there was anything reasonable about killing, of course.

But death and murder are a natural thing. To become an alpha, you had to kill the previous leader. Throughout history, there had been many, many deaths; some deaths weren't even discovered until the killer had died.

Us humans killed animals everyday with little guilt, and yet when someone killed a human, they ridiculed and poured all the hatred onto that person. The reason was simply because 'What if that person tries to kill me too?'.

The only exceptions were those saints and monks. They were simply kind beyond belief. The real ones, anyways. I swear, even if a person killed their entire family, they would still forgive that murderer with a kind smile. Now that was unattached to worldly materials in its true form.

And with that said....the next few matches were boring because no matter how good they were, they weren't as good as the ones I had gone up against because they didn't play dirty. By the way, there wasn't just one match going on, there were multiple.

Of course, you might wonder why I did archery matches if I found them boring. It was for money, obviously. Although I could earn more money doing underground battles, those were battles to the death and even if I have killed before, I had to keep some of my morals, you know? Besides, I could possibly be pit against a madman or an expert, like the one I was facing right now.

Who knew why someone like her was here? Shouldn't she be in a totally different dimension? Like a wuxia or something. If not, she should at least be a million miles away from me.

Her face excluded that cold, calm, collected look that only the male lead could match.

"Forfeit! I forfeit! Get me out of here!" I shouted out loud. The hell. This was the type of person that attracted problems, and most of the people around her dies for no reason other than to make her look better and soften the male lead's heart.

Of course, no one listened, and she continued to stare at me with that iceberg look. The only thing that didn't fit was that ordinary face; didn't the books always describe the female lead as some never before seen beauty capable of ruining nations or something? Then why was she so....plain? It must be that magical out-of-this-world makeup skill that only the top somethings of the something secret group knew.

It was then, when I was scrutinizing her face, that she attacked. I, of course, dodged. I was careful not to get too close to her; what the books have taught me was that.... she had hidden needles all over her body and some mustard seed dimension in her head. Adding to that, she was OP, even more OP than I am. At least I had reasons behind my overpowerness , but nooooo she was just OP because....she was OP!

There was no possible way I could beat her! Even if I was stronger than her, she'd still probably beat me because of her out-of-this-world luck!

In fact, were it not for the plot, she'd be the perfect person to follow when I got exiled. But for all I knew, the plot would kill me and make her destroy the whole country to avenge me. It'd be better to interact with her as little as possible.

And so we spent the whole time like predator and prey. She, a wolf, while I, a deer. I doubted that this was how everyone thought the battle would turn out. Her cultivation gave her much advantage over me, who was human and not going to the path of immortality.

Fire balls, firewalls, fire here, fire there. Mmm, it was a good thing that she was going easy on me. But if the books spoke the truth....she was planting a formation, wasn't she?

I quickly drew energy from a small, unnoticeable, pink rose to replenish my energy, and shot an arrow at her. An arrow which was blasted into smithereens. After that, it was another five minutes of her attacking and me dodging.

She mostly chased me from behind, not appearing in front of me at all. Not that I would want to get close to her anyways; she'd probably push a needle straight through my neck with her magician like hands.

But I knew that she was just playing with me, just like I was with her. Neither of us was that serious really, simply testing out our opponent. Well, she started testing me the moment she saw I wasn't getting tired.

When we were both tired of playing cat and mouse, we just stood there, staring at each other. Her eyes held a brilliant light, showing that she thought me a worthy opponent.

Me? Would anyone care if I suddenly disappeared?

I quickly let a thick amount of dust in the air, a field of pink roses filling the arena. Not that anyone noticed because of the dust of course. I sucked the life out of them, gathering all the energy at one point, and to my great joy, a sproutling appeared.

Although small and young, it was still a tree. I crouched next to it and.... had an extremely rough journey to the tree.

What happened to the 'I'm very competitive' thing you say? I didn't really treat that as an actually match, and plus, that was a wuxia transmigrator. A former assassin with luck that could fill the sun! It was the luck of her previous life and this life combined....not that she had much luck in her previous life, getting killed and all. But I swear that she sucks the luck from everyone else and makes it her own.

I spent the rest of the day lying down and feeling like an old man. My whole body aching from the travel. I bet you that there were bruises all over.


A certain transmigrator stood tense, waiting for the slight movement that showed where the boy was. But when the dust was clear.... He was gone. All that was left behind was a small sproutling, mostly covered in dust.

The crowd: "...."

Xia Jiao: "....."

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