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Our lives don't collide, I'm aware of this
Bird of Paradise- liberty/ freedom
The signups started a week ago, and it was often that some were turned down simply because of the mass amount of people wanting to compete. There was also an abundant amount of people wanting to watch. 

I unconsciously moved my body slightly to the left.

"Still can't surprise you huh Lyre," I heard a voice say behind me. 

"Raven! Didn't expect you to be here," I replied, dropping my usual polite speech, it would be odd if a 'commoner' were to speak like a noble wouldn't it? 

"Ah, today's an exception," he replied.

I raised an eyebrow, "planning on pick-pocketing the poor aristocrats?"

He snorted, "if anything they ain't poor."

"True, but what are you really here for?"

"Well you see......I heard that the King would grant the winner of the competition," he whispered as if it was a secret, which it supposedly was.

"And that would apply to me how?" It was often the lower nobilities that would grant an archers boon considering that the sport was more or less looked down upon by the upper class. The reason as said was because it signified lack of magick. With that, there wasn't much chance of the king being the one to grant the boon. 

Of course there was the competition in which nearly every weapon users were allowed, magick was obviously included. It was also the main event and that's most likely the event in which the king wold grant a boon, that is if the rumor was true. It was nearly impossible for longer ranged weapons like the bow to win. And so they were more or less discouraged to join. 

"Well you could join-"

"I'll pass," yes, a boon from the king would be great, but it would attract much attention. Although I more or less won most of the archery tournaments, the nobles never truly paid much attention to it and even if they did they wouldn't think much of it. 

"But you could win!"

"Against all those nobles? With their flashy magick, dirty tricks, and all those things I highly doubt it. Besides, once they get close enough to attack I'm more or less doomed," I'd already be doomed by simply joining, the nobles would do anything to win.

"We both know that's false-"

"Sheesh, why are you so motivated in making me join?"

"Well since it's the king, think of what kind of reward there would be," his eyes started glittering and I sighed.

"Your after the gold aren't you? How much would be given?"

"Just a fifty thousand pieces of gold....."

I glared at him.

"Fine! At least watch it with me."

"You never watch competitions."




"It's a waste of time."

"How is it waste of time? You might learn-"

"How many archers do you think are going to participate? And what are the chances that their better than me?" It was the simple truth, there weren't many that could beat me in archery and that was that. In this kingdom a least, there were many experts out there that could defeat me.

"You might learn a few tricks..."

"Why are you so desperate for me to accompany you to the competition?"

"Reasons, why are you so keen on avoiding it? Other than the fact that it's 'a waste of time'."

"Attracts too much attention."

"You're already well known to the commoners."

"Commoners are one thing, they don't look that deeply into someones past. Plus I'm just known for winning competitions, most of them think that"

"That's true...... fine, I'll stop bothering you about it."

"Good, I have to get ready for the competition. See you."

"It isn't really a competition when your just gonna win...."

Raven's POV
Although Lyre didn't agree he still wasn't going to give up. The reason he wanted him to compete was because......he was planning to bet on him winning.

To say that he had an obsession with money was pretty accurate, he wouldn't pass on the chance to that much money, and he was pretty sure that Lyre could be able to proceed till the semi finals.

And so he had a plan. But there was only one problem....... he had no idea how to write. He could read a few words, and he could write even less. His handwriting was also illegible. Well there was another way to have the king hear of his idea.

"Wouldn't it be interesting if the winners of the other competitions were to participate?" he asked out loud.

"Little kid, didn't you know? It was stated that all winners of other competitions are required to participate in the grand tournament."

Rei/ Lyre (I'm sorry guys.......he's going to have another name.......)

I headed towards a small, but bustling store. There were many other people like her that wanted to hid their identities for one reason or another. Most of them go to this store, although it was rather risky to go to the same store over and over again the store sold merchandise of a very high quality so it was often worth it. 

The familiar sound of the bell sounded when I opened the door, and a woman immediately greeted me.

"Lyre! I didn't think you'd......anyways, your items are in the usual place. Anyways, today's a busy day, so see you!"

I thanked her before walking to the area in the back, only the most frequent costumers could go there. I quickly changed the cloth that covered my mouth into a half mask that covered the other half of my face (down to the nose, only the eyes, mouth and chin are shown).

The reasons for all these masks were simply because I didn't want to be recognized. The cloth in the beginning was my first cover, when I wanted to explore the common place freely. Although it was uncommon, it wasn't that rare to see a person with a cloth covering her face. The mask was for competitions, although I wasn't that well known it was still better that no one knew that I was Hawke (the name 'he' uses for competitions) so that I would have something up my sleeve in case I was discovered. 

I clipped on a brown cape while thinking why Ann (the woman 'he' talked to earlier) didn't think I would come. 

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