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The queen's POV

My husbands reign has been peaceful. Even then, I was always on guard for an assassination attempt or rumors of unrest.

Though we had spies planted everywhere—in other countries, noble's houses, cities, villages, everywhere—the ones planted in other nobles houses were the best of the best.

With that said, there were two people I was very worried about.

Adeline Woods, as useless as she was, she seemed to be able to make everyone like her. Perhaps it was her aura, a very lonely one that is. She was an odd one; she had confidence in herself, but it wasn't herself she that was confident with. Most likely she had an artifact in her possession and that was exactly what I was worried about.

I had always lived on the edge of a sword, and I was very confident in my evaluations of people. She had the aura of death around her. I didn't want my son to be tangled up in such a person; it will only end in sorrow.

Then there was the ever so mysterious Rei. Spies would tell me that he was a female. But there wasn't much proof. The only thing they knew was that the maid said that he was a female at birth, and that Lady Everstone herself claimed that he was a female. But I knew a female when I saw one.

Although he looked feminine, that was where it ends. Even if you were raised a male, there would still be a few female traits that would be kept. The chest, for one. Even if you bandaged it, no female would want completely flat breasts; that was just preposterous. The clothes he wore were not baggy in the the least, and I saw absolutely no sign of any breasts! Though that son of mine seemed to have convinced himself that he was a female, even our spies had doubts.

The way he talked, walked, everything except his face lacked any semblance of a lady.

But that's not what really worried me; what worried me was the fact that he disappeared for very long periods of times. Once, he disappeared for more than a month.

If that were not enough, he and his parents were near strangers, not even a semblance of what a parent and son should be. The parents loved him, but it wasn't sure if he loved them back. The only reason why he would push them away was most likely because he was ready to sacrifice them for the rebellion he could very likely be planning.

Random Nobles POV

The queen seemed very deep in thought. That wasn't very surprising. After all, they were both here. Adeline and Rei, two people that aren't often found in the same place outside of the classroom. Then again, Rei was infamous for skipping most classes, only to come back later to ask if their was anything due.

Everything was an enigma when it came to him, all we know is that his power is teleportation. Perhaps invisibility, though for all we know he could just have an artifact on him.

Speaking off.... He disappeared yet again.

A waste, I should've tried to approach him sooner. Simply because he was the son of a duke doesn't mean that he can come and go as he wished. Among the bachelors, he's most likely the worst. Never mind that, the king is getting rather agitated, it wouldn't surprise me if she were gone by the end of the week.

As for Adeline, a waste. Perfect in every way except status, were she not the daughter of a baron I would've most likely let my son betroth her. 

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