The Competition (part 1)

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Haaaah, the book is almost at it's end. I'm planning to make a sequel and collaborate with a friend that might make a wattpad account soon. This book is rather inconsistent, but the second one will probably be better and I'm too lazy to edit.

By the way, if I mispelled the word, think of the word closest to it and that's probably the word.

Friend- Hola Hola

Put in comments of book plots you want to see, you'll probably ignore this~

O sole mio te quiero~

Someone tell me what that means and who's ego Dormio and Maria?

Anyways, The Rose just released a new mv!!!!! I'm so happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~


The morning of the competition came rather quick, I debated whether or not to attend. Then again, if I don't I'd probably get killed the moment I show up for not obeying a king's order. Even if they can't do it openly, there's all sorts of ways like rumors.

Either way, something bad always happens to those who disobey the king.

Skipping to the part where he's at the competition 'cause I'm lazy and nothing exciting happens. By the way, it's the weekend for them so that some students can watch. Guys, I haven't told you her age yet right? If I have then scratch that 'cause she's now 14 or else she'll be a spinster.

My first opponent....scoffed at me. Sadly, I wasn't one of those people who were calm no matter what, I scoffed right back.

To actually underestimate an opponent was the most basic mistake a fighter could ever make.

He probably thought that he could just appear in a blink of an eye and attack me, which he could if he had a teleportation talisman. Which he could, you never know.

A loud 'ting' sounded, followed by silence. We were in a soundproof barrier so that we wouldn't be able to hear the announcements being called out.

I saw the quick hand movement one makes when tearing paper and quickly stepped to the right, I doubt that he was left handed. His sheath was on the left after all.

And not a moment too soon, he immediately appeared in front of where I was standing. He drew his sword ready to slash. I quickly pointed the arrow I held to his throat without hesitation and like that the match ended.

The crowed was unsatisfied with how fast the match was, but in all honesty you must strike before you tire. I took a bow before leaving.


The past me probably wouldn't be terrified at what I was capable of doing, slightly surprised maybe, even sad or regretful, but not terrified.

This was a world where a king's word was law, where magick existed, killing was inevitable.

The first time I killed?

When I was ten.

I was.... Still slightly naive. I knew that the streets were a dangerous place to be, especially in a populated city. But I read so many books had their main protagonist escape and visit the slums. What they never say was even the slums have levels, first level is for the pick pockets and homeless. Second is for the hopeless the half dead, but your only hopeless if you once had hope. The third level is the most dangerous, it's the place where you never had hope in the first place, where the rule of the survival of the fittest is the most evident. A place of death, it's also the entrance to the black market.

An archer belongs to a forest, their more or less useless in a city. And so....

I awoke in an arena, a deadly quiet one where the crowds stared at you with a thirst of blood. My bow and arrows were still with me and when I stood up a man looked at me with a sadistic smile. He casually walked towards me with enough confidence to discourage the opponent.

Yeah no, there's no possibility that I can win this match. I tried to use my magick to bury myself underground. The man's smile widened when he saw that I couldn't activate my magick.

Dammit, they actually have that really expensive formation that sucks your magick to make itself stronger. Whatever that formation was called.

"Can I forfeit?" I asked sheepishly.

He kept smiling. I'm impressed, how is his face muscles not tiring?

I wasn't sure when I started backing away but I felt myself hitting a barrier, but when I did the man stopped....

And continued to smile at me in the strange manner that he had. Seriously, how is he able to smile for such a long time? Does he have facial pralysis or something?

We spent a few seconds just staring at each other, that was when I realized of course, that he had no visible weapons. He didn't have any blood thristy aura either. Don't tell me that he was waiting for me to kill him?

The crows was probably feeling bored. I am a very boring person.

....I am in a game after all, all the people I meet aren't real. It's just a game so it should be fine. Even if it wasn't a's a game. Humans are animals too anyways, just treat him like a deer, a fat young deer. Except deers don't smile like that. It will actually look horrifying on a deer.

I unslinged my bow and aimed for his heart, my fingers trembled. It might be game, but right now it's my reality. I've killed animals before, but not a human.

Oh wait, a human is an animal. Some animals kill each other too right? Besides, since I've already taken a life I'm probably not going to heaven.

It should be fine, he'll go to someplace better, and if he went to someplace worse it will just mean that he's killed lives as well. There shouldn't be any hard feelings.

With all these excuses in mind, I drew the bow and released.

The whistle came before the thump, and the wide eyes of surprise.

I didn't feel bad at all....he's stranger, there's no need to feel bad.

At least he died with a smile, though a creepy one at that.

Crowd POV
....this was the second time, if this kept happening they were going to run out of psaisthisi's.

Some mob characters POV
The monster in front of me smiled sadistically, his face was disfigured because of that smile. My legs collapsed from under me as I awaited for my death. Please be merciful of Great God of light, please let me die a painless death.

A groan then resounded from the monster and when I opened my eyes, I saw my daughter dead in front of me.

And in my hands was a bloody dagger.

The knife dropped from the man's trembling hands his eyes wide with disbelief. The crowd waited in anticipation as the man started cradling his 'daughter'. In all reality he wasn't cradling anything, a man stood a few feet to his right with a strange smile.

The point of this? To turn people crazy, because the crazier the people the bloodier the battle. 

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