The legend (Part 3)

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I have decided........there won't be any homosexuality....kinda...ish. I mean the gay couple will still be there, kinda......but there's a twist. I have a feeling that some of you have already figured something out by me telling you guys this.

I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know 'cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
                                    -Say you won't let go (by James Arthur)

The moment I had arrived beneath the mother tree, a branch snaked down towards me. Hanging of it was a fruit which resembled an apple except it had a light blue tinge. 

"Do I eat this?" I asked, the fruit then proceeded to drop on my hand. Taking it as a yes, I took a small bite. A bittersweet taste exploded into my mouth. It was too sweet yet unbearably bitter, making bile climb up my throat. I forced myself to swallow it back. When I finally got the fruit down my throat my surroundings crumbled around me, pixelating like that of a game.

Scenes flashed before me.

A girl smiled a sad smile, her dark purple hair flowed in the wind making herself seem ethereal. In front of her was the vast ocean and a sky full of stars, but her attention was elsewhere. Half submerged, was girl with sky blue hair and watery eyes filled with grief.

"Sister.....why must you leave?" the girl asked, in a unintelligible voice full of despair.

(They're not actually sisters, they just call each other that)

"I must do this....if I don't my heart will never find peace," the other one said in the same language. Her eyes held burning hatred and anger.

"Take care.....come home safe," the other one whispered, a tear trickling down her face. She didn't know if her sister would come back from the land, land of which seemed to hold all that was evil. If what happened to Syreni was an example, thinking about her dead friend made her want to cry. 

Also......she clenched her jaw, thinking that whatever happened she had to stay in control. There was a reason why she couldn't leave the water, and that reason prevented her from joining her friend.

The woman on land looked at her sadly, "tell Nagia that.....I love him."

"Imera! Imera! Where's-." the man stopped talking upon seeing the red tinge around Imera's eyes.

"She told me to tell you that she loves you," she whispered, not looking at him in the eye. Different emotions tumbled through his mind, and his heart clenched with hurt. Hurt that she didn't tell him, hurt that she didn't trust him enough. With her personality she would get herself killed......tears of silver rushed down his face.

"Why? Why.....why didn't she tell me. I would've followed her I-"

"It's not too late," Imera whispered, still refusing to look at him. Nagia was too preoccupied with his internal turmoil to notice, but her words changed his look of despair to that of determination. He then sped of towards the land, hopefully he wasn't too late. 

Imera stared at his fading figure with a hazy look, she shook her head. Hopefully they were strong enough....strong enough to defeat her

A trail of liquid silver followed in her wake. One had to know that it was not the usual silver, but that of a mermaid's tear.

The scene then shifted to that of what seemed like a battle scene.

"YOU!" the woman from before screamed, which was greeted by a smirk. 

"YOU KILLED SYRENI!" her dress was soaked in blood, and there was a crazy expression on her face. Around her was the dead bodies of what seemed to be guards and royalty, who else could they be? With all the gold and silver embroider on the outer and inner layer of their clothes, the jewelry all over their body. 

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