A Safe Haven

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There maybe other meanings, but this is meaning that Rei meant

Viscaria- Will you dance with me?

Basil- hate

Oxeye Daisy- Patience


10 years of age

I sighed, the prince had been coming over nearly everyday now. I'd been running out of excuses to avoid him. Fay has also been trying to get closer to me, and Tristen has basically become a stalker.

"Brother? Where are you?" Fay asked. 'At least he dropped the big brother thing,' I thought. I could feel Tristen's aura beside Fay, he was becoming a better shadow guard, it was getting harder and harder for me to spot him. The prince was somewhere on the other side of the mansion also looking for me.

I pressed myself against the wall while erasing my aura, hoping that they wouldn't notice me. I wanted to get away from this place, at least until they gave up looking for me.

Suddenly, the wall behind me disappeared and I felt myself falling. I winced in pain and looked up only to see a 'door' closing in on me.

I stood up and looked around and saw a field of different types of plants.

"Beautiful," I whispered, there were different types of plants everywhere. At the edge of my vision, I saw a few flowers that kind off resembled a lotus but not quite.

"Night blooming cereus!' I exclaimed. Night blooming cereus bloomed once a year, and only at night; at dawn, they withered and died, never seeing the light of day ever again. For them to be blooming here......

I looked at the sky, and much to my surprise, it was neither night nor day. The sun was neither rising nor setting, making the place forever dawn or forever dusk. It was a rather beautiful assortment of colors but away from the sun the sky was an in between of night and day, darker than the morning sky yet lighter than the night sky, it was like the blue of an ocean. Stars littered the sky and the moon here was golden.

I sucked in a deep breath, this place simply defied all logic. All flowers were blooming, even those that weren't supposed to bloom at this time of year.

Careful not to disturb the flowers, I created a pillar made of earth.

Everything was categorized into the type of flower. I lowered myself and headed to the rose section.

'Middlemist Red,' I thought to myself, one of the rarest type of rose. In the previous world, they were only found in two places—a greenhouse in the UK and a garden in New Zealand. I then headed towards the deciduous tree, there was one plant I had always wanted to see......

'Kokia Cookei' considered one of the rarest, most endangered plant on earth, there is only 23 grafted known Kokia Cookei flowers on Earth.


"I found you~" Fay said joyfully.

"Oh, you were-"

"Don't disappear like that again, ok?" he asked with an innocent look, but no one wouldn't be able to hear the underlying threat behind those words.

"I may or may not disappear in the future. None of which would be your business," I told him, I disliked lying unless necessary.

"Then I'll make it my business," Fay said while pushing me against the wall, I quickly slipped out of his grip.

"Patience child, patience. Just wait six more years, I'm sure that there would be a nice young girl that would love both sides of you," I said walking away.

Rei slowly walked away, leaving a stunned boy and an oxeye daisy and a yellow carnation.


"Where were you?" the prince asked.

"I was where I wanted to be," I answered.

"Is that so? And where exactly was that place?" he asked, wrapping me with his hands, I quickly disentangled myself.

"May I remind you that I am I boy?" I asked with a strained smile.

"Oh really?" he tilted my face to look at him in the eye, "Because if I didn't know better, I'd say that you were a girl."

I just sighed and handed him a hemlock before leaving. Hopefully he was just joking around.


"You nearly made madam have a heart attack, master," Tristen said to me, "What would we do if she died?"

I secretly smiled to myself, it seemed my disappearance has started the boys' dark side, or perhaps simply ignited their dangerous curiosity. The 'kind' knight that says degrading things in such a nice way that unless he was talking to you, he would seem so kind. The gentleman of a prince that toys with your emotions, and the cheerful two faced brother. Now, all we need is the Bodere and the Tsundere? I think, I can't quite remember the last one. I believe that there is one unknown capturable target, so far no one was able to unklock that one. Well, she does end up with like 25 or something capturable targets, that is if the heroine decides to continue the game.

"Well then, would you please tell mother and father that I will be disappearing more often?" I asked him in a dismissive tone. It was very evident what I wanted.

"Very well, master."


Quiz Time!

What do you think these plants mean

Yellow Carnation-


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