Caught Wasting Time

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~22 October 1840~

A few weeks later, I find myself at another ball. Not just any ball. Oh, no.  This ball has very prestigious guests: the queen and the  prince.

    How did I manage to swing an invite to this party you may ask?

    Well for an answer to that, you ought to ask my delightful aunt. Somehow she managed.  And I'm not sure I want to know how. She probably promised some hideous old man I'd marry him or something. I shudder at the thought.

    So here I am, hiding in the corner behind a big plant but close enough to the food table that I can sneak some solid chocolate when I need to. To calm my nerves, okay? Someone even more important than the queen is here. Someone tall and dark and cold and incredibly handsome is also in this very room.

    He's currently unaware that I'm here, because I conveniently placed myself behind this plant when I heard his name announced.

And do you know who else is here?

    Lord Dalgliesh. 

    It's like a bloody reunion, isn't it?

    "Psht." I hear from my left. "Mr Linton." Only one person would ever call me that. "Meet me in the library in seven minutes and eighteen seconds. Walk towards the powder room, but don't go inside. You will find the hidden staircase on the right. It's the third door from the end of the hallway."

    I hear the rustle of leaves and suddenly he's gone.

    What the...?

    I debate about not following him. It would really annoy him if I didn't go. That would be amusing. I smirk and stuff a piece of solid chocolate in my mouth. Maybe he would come find me, or maybe he would just scold me at work tomorrow. I shiver in anticipation, hoping I get a very thorough scolding.

    But then I remember my situation. Maybe he has an answer and he needs to tell me immediately.

    I abandon my place on the wall, skirting behind large groups of people to make sure my aunt or Lord Dalgliesh  don't spot me. Just as I begin to ascend the staircase towards the powder room I hear, "Miss Linton! How lovely to see you here, and not in any immediate danger."

    I whirl around and see Captain Carter beaming. He bows snappily then extends his hand to me.

    "I was wondering if you would do the honor of dancing with me."

    "Oh Captain, I was just about to head to the powder room. If you'll excuse me..."

He takes my hand.

    "Please Miss Linton? Just one song. My crew and I are heading out after the next set and we won't be back in London for quite a while. It's my greatest desire for you to accompany me." I blush and let him lead me onto the dance floor, only because people were starting to look at us and I was trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

    "One dance, Captain Carter. If you try any funny business..." I let the threat hang.

    "I swear on my honor as a gentleman that I will not try any funny business."

    I try to scowl at him but instead I end up smiling.

"We've already discussed the fact that you are no gentleman." I tease. He just grins back at me.

    We dance a waltz. While we spin around the floor, I notice a certain lord staring daggers at me. I have to do something. He's leading his partner this way. He's going to try to grab me at the end of this song.

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