Anything For You

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~9 June 1843~

"We will discuss this at home."


Shortly after, we get back to the East India Company headquarters. As Lord Dalgliesh roughly pushes me inside, I stare at the Empire House, realizing how close I am to Rick and how much I really miss him. It's about two in the afternoon, so he's definitely there still working. Why wouldn't he be? I try to assess if I would make it over there, but one glance from Dalgliesh lets me know he knows what I'm thinking and it isn't a good idea.

When you look at the giant stone building of the Empire House, soaring high above the sky, the first word that comes to mind isn't comfort, but that's how I feel. Walking into the warm, homey East India Company leaves me feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever.

We march up the steps and he whips the door to my cell open and throws me inside without another word.

I pace back and forth between the small walls of the cell for what seems like a really long time. I need to get out of here. I have people who need me, children who are counting on me.

I rest my head on the door, breathing deep to calm myself when it swings open, launching me across the room.

I smother a swear before getting up quickly and facing the intruder.

"Come, Lillian. Your fate awaits." Dalgliesh says ominously, stretching out his hand for me to take.

"What are you going to make me do?" I ask as I follow him through corridors and up staircases. Something I notice that seems foreign to me is the amount of decorations he has here. Every wall is covered in paintings, similar to the gallery. Pots with flowers and trees stand in corners and on tables, banners line some of the halls. This place is quite ostentatious, unlike Rick's place, in which only the sheer size of it alludes to the fortune it's walls protect. Here, the wealth is displayed for all to see.

"Quiet." His eyes flash as he drags me along behind him.

"Why did you take me to that gallery? Are my children still safe? Can't you tell me anything?"

"If you're not quiet, they won't be any more!" He shouts. I flinch at the emotion in his voice. I forgot how most people react like this, and that once annoyed, you can tell by more than just a finger twitch and the occasional jaw clench.

For my children's sake, I shut my mouth and allow myself to be dragged into what appears to be an office. It's similar to the room I stumbled into when I first arrived, only this room is larger. One large window takes up almost an entire section of the wall and gives a beautiful view of the city, disturbed only by a large grey building in the left corner. Drawn to the sight, I take a couple steps towards it. It's the Empire House, and this window is positioned perfectly to see right inside Rick's office. I stifle a gasp as I see him sitting at his desk, files strewn all over in a disorderly fashion.

My heart leaps at the sight of him. Stop it, heart, you stupid thing. He doesn't care for you. He's working in his office, concerning himself with his money instead of being out searching for you.

Every couple seconds, he writes something on a tiny piece of paper and shoves it into the pneumatic tube. His newest secretary comes bustling in, laden with files and drops them on the corner of the desk, scurrying back to the safety attained by being separated from Rick by a door. Tommy's been his secretary for the last seven months, the longest anyone has ever lasted besides me. He came over once for dinner--at my invitation of course--and he didn't seem too afraid of Rick. I mean, he didn't talk much to him because Rick isn't a conversationalist, but the poor man is practically trembling. I wonder what happened to cause this tension between them. It isn't tax season yet...

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