Who's Gonna Pay?

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~23 October 1840~

"But he's the bloody richest man in all of England! All of the world! He should have to pay for it!" My uncle protested.

"It'll get Lillian out of here. We should spare no expense to rid ourselves of her."

Wow, thanks, Aunt. Please, let me know how you really feel about me.

"That girl has been eating far too much anyway. Have you seen her lately?" I look down at my stomach. There's only a week left until the wedding. Tensions are high in the house. Anne and Maria won't talk to me. True, they never really used to, but now they won't even look at me, and whenever aunt isn't around, they make snide remarks about me to each other. It's rather irritating.

Now, uncle has it in his head that Mr Ambrose is going to pay for the wedding. Ha! I sent him a missive this morning, telling him that he is expected here for dinner to discuss some things with my uncle.

When he arrived, he barely glanced at my aunt when she opened the door, smiling bright and greeting him with courtesy. He ignores her attempt to take his coat and fixes her with his usual glare. She stops cold (no pun intended) and stares at him in shock.

"Where is Mr Brank?" He interrupts.

She points to the staircase with a trembling hand, feet frozen in place and mouth unable to move. This is hilarious. I should have invited him here sooner!

He walks past a simpering Anne and Maria, not even giving them a glance or acknowledging their existence. Their faces fall. I stifle a grin.

"Now I see why he likes Lilly so much. They both have the same horrible manners and temperament." Anne sneers.

I roll my eyes. They're just jealous that I was the first to catch a husband.

What am I thinking? I didn't want this.

Are you sure, Lilly? I mean, maybe not the way things happened, but you're not at all pleased with the end result?

Shut up, I tell the voice in my head. She's been out of control lately. No more solid chocolate for her.

Ten minutes later, Mr Ambrose comes downstairs. My aunt and sisters had been in the middle of a heated discussion about potential  new dresses for the two of them. He meets me eyes and nods his head to the backyard. I get up and slip away, no one noticing me amidst the chaos of invitations and flower bouquets and boxes of decorations.

I open the door and find him standing next to the house. I walk over and stand in front of him.

Before I can open my mouth to tell him I didn't expect him to cover the cost of the wedding, he grabs my arms and pushes me against the house.

"I told you that you were going to pay." His eyes glitter dangerously, and his tone almost gives me frostbite. "You will be working for me for years to pay off this wedding. Your uncle thinks I am going to." He chuckles once. "As if. You are in my debt, Miss Linton. You belong to me."

There's fire in my eyes as I meet his frosty ones.

"I don't belong to anyone, especially not to a man."

His lips meet mine and it's like a firework explosion. I forgot how he made me feel. I've been so miserable for the last few weeks that I forced myself to forget everything about him. The walls I'd put up come crashing down the moment he touches me, and that's just how I want it to be.

Enjoy :)


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