The Letter

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~11 June 1843~

*Rikkard Ambrose's POV*

I cross the bridge, eyes scanning the area quickly to ensure there are no immediate signs of danger.

When dealing with your biggest enemy, you never know what tricks they have up their sleeves.

I was furious when I got his letter yesterday eve.

"Rick, meet Lord Dalgliesh at the corner of Hyde park by the pond. Bring with you half of your fortune or else you will never see me again."

I almost crumpled up the letter when I read that line, written in shakier script than the rest. That monster is upsetting my wife and I can't do anything about it.

"If you don't do exactly as commanded, our children will be slaughtered before my eyes and I will be next. There will be nothing you can do about it.

Come alone.

Come at 2:30 am with only your pistols.

Winner keeps all: the fortune, the children, the wife.

If that 'Mohammadian monster' is anywhere near the dueling ground, we will die."

I felt my heart twinge when I read the part referring to Karim. Though he and my wife have had their differences, but she does not like anyone to mess with Karim. I can just hear the sass in her voice if she were to say it.

Quit it, Rikkard. Search the area.

I look around, my eyes sweeping over the empty spaces. No one sits on the bench I watched Lilly sit on, occasionally with her friends, but often alone, talking to herself and the ducks. There are some trees in the distance and I walk closer, but there's no one around them. I sit on the bench, like the note requested.

"Wait for us on the bench. See you soon." Those last words of farewell were written hastily and I'm sure that was my Lillian talking, not Dalgliesh. Thinking about these words cause a strange sensation in my heart, but I can't take the time to dwell on it. I must stay alert and wait for my wife. And Dalgliesh.


All right, friends. Please forgive the shortness.This is what I wrote after work today. I'm still training, and my managers put me on shadowing a closer and they forgot I was still there, so at 5 when they came into the kitchen and saw me, they were like, Caity, you're still here?! and I was like..uhm yeah. and they told me they didn't realise I was still there and I could have clocked out ages ago but they fORgoT mE. so that's cool. -_-

But afterwards my best friend and I went out to eat and we're going to get ice cream later, and I got paid for a bunch more hours so I can actually afford it XD lolol

anyway, hopefully I'll have something for you again this weekend, I work a double tomorrow, so who knows what time I'll get to leave. 

I love you all <3 


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