Surprise Party

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~15 May 1843~

"Okay, okay, be quiet children. If we want to surprise him, we have to be as silent as possible."

    The twins and I are planning a birthday surprise for my dear husband. He's never mentioned anything about a birthday, probably because he thinks it's a waste of time, but I was able to find out when it was and I thought maybe he might like to celebrate with his kids.

All right, all right. I know he would probably hate that, considering he detests the little monsters. But I thought maybe if they did something nice for him, it might thaw the ice around his heart a little bit.

All week while Rick was at work, I had the kids draw pictures for him. This afternoon, I hung them around the dining room. We put up decorations and I even made a cake. Though he's never actually said it before, I've noticed he eats my pound cake with more enthusiasm than most things. Which isn't very hard, because, with the exception of money and maybe one other thing, he doesn't have much enthusiasm.

    "Okay, Carter, can you run upstairs and get the last painting from your room for mama? I'm just going to put the finishing touches on the cake."

    "Yes!" He grins and toddles over to the steps, bending down and using his arms and legs to climb.

    "And be careful when you come down. Hold the railing!" I call after him.

    "Yes!" I hear his little baby voice answer.

    "Genevieve, do you want to help put the cherries on top?"

    "Help!" she cries. I smile and bring the little stool over to the counter. I lift her up and let her stand on it. She just reaches the edge.

    I hold out the plate of cherries for her and let her put them wherever she pleases. Some end up on the top, and she giggles excitedly when I don't scold her for sticking some to the sides.

    "Thank you for helping me, my love." I kiss the top of her head and help her down. I never wanted children, ever. I detested the thought of little screaming, smelly monsters that destroyed everything and never let me get any sleep. I'll admit that's how it was in the beginning, and it was very hard. Rick and I have grew farther apart during that time than ever, considering he wanted--well he wants nothing to do with the children and my everything became the children. But now that they're a little older it's easier to bond with them. I've started to love them both, their smells and fits included.

I carry the cake over to the icebox and set it inside so it doesn't melt.

"Carter, where are you?" I realize he's been upstairs for a few minutes and I haven't heard any sounds. "Come here, Genna." I hoist her onto my hip and rush up the steps. Carter isn't in his room and he isn't in my room. I check Genna's, that fourth room upstairs that Rick still wasn't able to find a use for that became hers once we found out it was twins, but he isn't there either. That only means one thing...

    "Carter what are you doing in here!" He's in Rick's office. I whip the door open and find him standing in Rick's chair, behind his desk. He's got papers scattered all over the surface of the desk and the floor and...oh god no. He's got Rick's pen and ink out. "Carter, what have you done?"

    "I'm papa!" He squeals.

    "No, no no no. Carter, stop that. Watch the-" The jar of ink, which had been near his elbow, got knocked over and spilled all over the desk. I set Genevieve down and quickly try to move the papers as far from the ink as possible. I rush into my bedroom, searching for a towel, running back to soak up all the ink so it won't stain the desk. Carter watches me with concern.

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