A Classic Dis

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~9 June 1843~

"You will behave yourself today, Lillian. Any funny business, and I swear you will regret it when-"

"I'll behave, all right? Just stop it." I hiss.

Dalgliesh, satisfied by my answer, folds his arms across his chest and smiles. I look out the window. I'm not sure where we're going, but I know nothing good will come from this.

"Lillian, we're here."

Gritting my teeth, I climb out of the carriage and allow myself to be assisted out by him. He tucks my arm in his and I do my best to keep my expression blank.

We walk inside a place that looks like an art gallery. The halls are a polished blue stone and the walls are filled with pictures of far off places and beautiful sceneries. The whole time we walk through the halls, Dalgliesh talks to me and I try to make pleasant conversation back, like this:

"Would you care for a drink, my dear?"

"Yes, your blood with soda."

I get glared at.

"Is anything wrong my love?"

"Are you still here with me?

He pinches my hand.

"Would you like something?"

"You removed from my company."

An old lady looks at us quizzically and Dalgliesh smiles and pulls me into a corner. He squeezes my arm so tight it starts to turn red.

"Are you going to behave?"

I give him a look and he rolls his eyes.

He practically drags me out to the carriage and bundles me in. I huff and sit across from him. I have to admit, his carriage is a lot spacier and more comfortable than the one Rick bought secondhand for the kids.

"Lillian, you have one more chance to redeem yourself." He says darkly.

"W-what does that mean?" I'm already regretting my outbursts. This man is not like my husband. I can't tease him like I did to Rick in Egypt. This man has no reason to keep me around. He's dangerous, Lilly. Remember that.

"It means you have one chance left before I have my men go to your house to kill your children!"

I gasp. My babies...he can't bring my babies into this...

My heart starts racing and I know this man is for real. Rick always told me how Lord Dalgliesh was not a man to trifle with.

"What do you want me to do?" I hang my head. He can do whatever he wants with me, but he won't touch a hair on my babies' heads.

"We will discuss this at home."

Hi friends!!
My favorite line from all of Sir Rob's books is probably "your blood with soda" so I had to steal that and include it in here. I don't know why I find that so amusing.
Anyway...some kinda bad news.
I'm going camping this weekend with my aunts and four baby cousins and all their little friends. It's gonna be fun!! (No for real. I'm only being a little sarcastic.)
The only downside is I'm like, 99% sure there isn't wifi in the woods....so I probably won't get another update until Monday night.
I wrote this before I went to a Brantley Gilbert concert tonight, so I thought I'd share what I have with you all and apologize for not updating for a while.
When I come back I promise I'll have something for you guys. :)
Have a super great weekend!

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