Authors Note

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Hi everyone!

This isn't a new update, this is just me letting you know a couple things.

I've gotten a few questions recently regarding an epilogue. I will not be writing one of those. I honestly just didn't think of it, and I think the last chapter clears everything up nicely. I'm sorry if that disappoints you.

Also, throughout the writing of the book, I've gotten many questions about Mr Ambrose's character.

I have no idea why I chose to write him that way. It started out as I wanted him to be super confused as to his feelings of Lilly and then it just kind of morphed its way into him being so confused and unable to deal with his emotions that he just shuts down and that portrays him as super rude. I know a couple people like that; they literally can't deal with emotions so they just ignore them at all costs, and on occasion (not as intense as Mr Ambrose though) it comes off as cold and distant. It might have been a little much in the story, but that's okay.

Another thing I should clear up: that last section, when Lilly mentions that she's having another baby, Rick has been sick for a while, like a month or two. I should have put a date on that, maybe I'll go back and edit that eventually, but yeah. It wasn't like a couple days or anything, it was a decent time after the accident.

Also...I'm not sure but I might be writing another book. It probably won't be until like Christmastime or something, but I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the musical Dear Evan Hansen? I'm sort of obsessed (as in super obesssed, I love it so much and I'm going to see it before Ben Platt leaves in November so thats SO AWESOME) Anyway, I have a couple ideas for a fan fiction for that, so if you haven't heard of it, I suggest you listen to the soundtrack. It's amazing and it makes me cry, it's so wonderful.

I also have some ideas for an actual book that's actually mine, but I haven't gotten too far with the idea. It's based off a dream I had one night, basically this girl ends up having an arranged marriage to this guy she's never met before. She travels over to his island and realizes some super sketchy stuff is going on, like the fact that she's going to marry him in a couple days and she's never met him. There's magic involved and mind control and I think it's a pretty cool idea. (With that really poor synopsis, because that's literally the only bit I've worked on it) would anyone be interested in reading that?

But yeah, that's about all I've got.

I want to thank you again for reading my book, if you've got any questions or just need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to :)


Update: my dear Evan Hansen fanfic has the first few chapters uploaded. If you like DEH give it a shot. :) thanks!

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