The Phantom Date

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~2 June 1843~

"No, I do not recall."

"Of course you do, I told you about this!" I scream at my thick headed husband. "I told you about it last Tuesday. Remember? You told me to bring your dinner up here and I did, and I listened to all your other stupid demands, like when you ordered me to fetch this file and that paper for you and I did so, hoping it would make you more likely to say yes and when I asked you if you would go, you said no."

    "Exactly," He says coolly, glaring at me from over his papers. "I said no."

    "Please, Rick? I've already got Ella here to watch the children. We haven't done anything just the two of us since my last day as your secretary." I bat my eyes at him and bite my lower lip. His eyes flash, but he manages to remain calm.

    "No, it's a waste of time, and I do not engage in time wasting activities."

    "Oh, well what a shame." I pout. "I suppose that since you're the man, you can decide that you don't want to go to the ball."

    "That's right." He says hesitantly, almost sounding confused. I've never agreed with him on this.

    "I guess I'll just let Captain Carter know that I can accept his invitation then. He knew you wouldn't go, so he told me he'd come pick me up at half eight." I say over my shoulder as I walk out the door. I shut it without looking at him. I smile triumphantly and walk to my room to continue getting ready.

    "Lilly, you didn't!" Ella giggles.

    I jump back, not expecting her to be there.

    "Did you listen at the keyhole?"

    She turns around, pretending to look for someone else.

    "Me? Dear sister, I would never." I roll my eyes at her. That Edmund fellow has not been a good influence on her. He's quite the trickster, once you get to know him and break through his shyness, and Ella seems to have picked up a few of his habits. My innocent little Ella, corrupted! "I hardly had to listen at the keyhole, I think even Captain Carter could have heard your screaming."

    I snort.

    "I doubt it, seeing as Carter is somewhere in the Americas right now, doing who even knows what."

    Ella gasps.

    "You mean he isn't even-" I clamp my hand over her mouth. If Rick hears, I'm in trouble.

    "Yes, I mean he never meant to escort me. I made the invitation up. He isn't even here right now."

    Ella laughs.

    "You really have him wrapped around your finger, you know."

    I raise an eyebrow at her. How does she take the fact that I've been screaming at him for the last hour as he's wrapped around my finger? I brush the thought off.

    "Help me get ready, I want to look lovely tonight. And make sure my gown won't clash against the red of Carter's coat," I say loudly, hoping Rick can hear. "I want everyone to look at us when we walk in the room." Ella giggles, but I shh her as I try to listen through the wall that separates my bedroom from Rick's office. I hear his special silence, the one that emits negative noise. He heard, all right. And there's a storm brewing in there. I smile.

    At a quarter past seven, Rick still hadn't emerged from his office and I started to get nervous. What if he was planning to wait until after Carter got here to turn him away at the door, and make sure he's actually coming. What will I do then?

    "It'll be okay, Lil. You'll get to the ball." Ella soothes, setting a cup of tea in front of me. "But you've always hated balls. Why the sudden interest in going now?"

Of course she'd pick up on that. I was hoping no one would notice my sudden change of attitude. Even though I absolutely hate everything about society, I've always loved the look of shock and envy on everyone's faces when I walk in with my husband. It makes everything I've had to deal with worth it. 

"Oh, Patsy is going to be there tonight. I don't get to see her often, so I thought it might be nice to get to see her." It's a flimsy excuse, but Ella might just buy it. 

"Didn't you just see her last week?" 

 I hear the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and I've never been more relieved to hear the thunderous sounds of Rick's footsteps as he marches down the stairs. 

    "Lillian, let's go."

    He walks briskly out the door, dressed in the new tailcoat that I bought for him when the twelve year-old still-in-mint-condition tailcoat had so many tears there were more stitches holding it together than cloth.

    I smile brightly at Ella.

    "We'll be home sometime soon, I know he won't want to stay too late."

    "Go, have fun, Lil. You deserve it. That man-"

    "Yes, I know." I've shared a little with Ella about how hard it is to talk to him. But ever since his birthday, he's been trying to be better. "The kids are already asleep and shouldn't bother you. If they do-"

    "Lilly I know what to do. You've told me four times already and I've watched them before. Now, go, before he decides to wait for the Captain." Ella pushes me out the door and winks.

    "Thank you, Ella. You truly are the best sister a girl could ask for."

    "I know." She winks again and closes the front door my house in my face.

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