He Loves me, He Loves Me...not?

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~9 June 1843~

He finishes dictating the letter and I write it down for him. He speaks at a much slower pace than Rick, so it was hardly a challenge.

I throw the letter on the desk and all I really want to do is snap the pen in half.

"There. If that's all..."

"No, Lillian. That isn't all. I get to decide-" He gets up and freezes. He peers out the window and a smile lights up his face. "Come with me." He waltzes out of the room and I follow. He leads me back to the cell and locks me inside.

I sit down on the blanket and will myself not to cry. I'm strong. I can deal with this.

I'll try to distract myself...by thinking about the letter instead of the overwhelming helplessness I feel. My hands clench into fists when I think about the manipulative bastard out there who made me write my own ransom note. A ransom which will never be met.

Dalgliesh's words come floating back to me.

He loves you, Lillian. Lord Dalgliesh thinks my husband loves me. He always has, going back to when you were still his secretary. Trust me, he'd do anything for you. I used to think the same, back when we were in the jungle. But after we came back to London...things got tricky. I was convinced he hated me, that the only thing I was good for in his eyes was cooking and cleaning his house. Which he bought. For you. Secretly. Why wouldn't he want me to know?

Maybe...maybe he does love me, but he was too afraid to show it. He's never been able to show his emotions, so maybe he used a trick to make me happy.

I shake the thought away. That would be a waste of time. There has to be another explanation.

As I rack my brain for a solution, I hear a shout ring out from somewhere inside. It sounded like a man, panicked and desperate. It also sounded very familiar...It sounded like Rick. But it was very distinctly panicked. Rick never sounds anything besides cool and composed. What could have happened?

It's silent for a while and I try pressing my ear to the door to see if I can hear anything. A few moments later the shouting resumes. It sounds louder and closer.

"HEY! I'M IN HERE. I'M IN HERE, HELP!" I pound on the door, kicking it and trying everything I can to get the attention of whoevers downstairs.

I keep on banging and making a loud noise, but if anyone hears me, they don't seem to care. After about an hour I decide the person has probably left by now and I sit down on the bed and fall asleep.


Hi everyone! Sorry it's a shorter one today, but I wanted to give you something, so here you go!! :) have an excellent day!

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