Well Wishes From our Favorite Enemy

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~22 October 1840~

Mr Ambrose and I carefully evaded Lord Dalgliesh all night. After the announcement everyone gathered around us to wish us well in our engagement, but he never came forward to congratulate us. 

    If I had to hear, "I had no idea you two knew each other," or "I didn't know Mr Ambrose was interested in someone like you," or even worse, "Lillian, you're going to make him an excellent wife," from any more mothers who hated my guts because I snagged the most sought after man in all of London, I was going to throttle someone. Why is it all of them were easily able to say something kind but make it sound like the worst thing in the world? Maybe it's something they learn in mother training. 

    "Congratulations, Miss Linton." I turned  around to greet this next person with the fake smile I've plastered on my face all evening and a "thank you" already on my lips, when I come face to face with a morose Captain Carter.

    I know, 'morose' and 'Carter' in the same sentence. Hard to believe that's even possible for him.

    "Are you all right Captain?" I ask.

    He meets my eyes and pain flashes in them.

    "Of course, Miss Linton. I'm wonderful. I heard the announcement and well...just wanted to wish you well before I went off. The crew and I will be leaving London for quite some time. I'm not sure when I'll be back, so I just...wanted to see you one more time." 

    I offer him a genuine smile. He's a good friend. 

    "Thank you Captain. That means a lot to me."

    He lifts half of his face up in a smile. He reaches for my hand but before he can bend down to kiss it, Mr Ambrose is at my side. He grabs my waist and pulls me against his chest, detaching my hand from Carter's. I scowl at him. What game is he playing at?

    "Lillian, who is this man?" He asks in his cold tone. His eyes run over the Captain with an unimpressed look.

    "Dick, darling, this is Captain James Carter. Captain, this is Mr Rikkard Ambrose."

    "Pleasure." Ice flashes in my darling Dick's eyes. The men shake hands and the Captain bids me adieu and leaves.

    I sense that Mr Ambrose wants to say something, because he's acting very strange, but he drops it when our biggest enemy finally approaches.

    "Mr Ambrose, sir!" He exclaims jovially. "My heartiest congratulations. I wasn't aware there was something going on between you two." His eyes take on a dangerous glint and he meets Mr Ambrose eyes. He stiffens.

    "Miss Linton, my fiancé." Is all he manages to say. He glares icily at Dalgliesh who smiles brightly at him, but his eyes are hard as he looks back and forth between the two of us. 

    "Ah yes. We have been introduced a few times. I must say, you're very lucky Mr Ambrose. Let's not forget that shall we?" His words must mean something to Mr Ambrose because his finger twitches at a rapid pace and if possible he stiffens more. He pulls me closer to him and Lord Dalgliesh smirks.

    He walks away without another glance and leaves us with the rest of the well wishers.


Hi friends, I'm very sorry this chapter is so short. I've had very little time, I've worked every day this week, and I recently bought a car and something got screwed up so I've been running all over trying to get that issue sorted out. Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying the story. :) 

I'll try to have another chapter up as soon as I can.  


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