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~??? 1843~

When I wake up, there's a shooting pain in my head. I groan and press a hand to my temple. Or try to. Both my hands move and upon opening my eyes I find them tied together with thick rope.

"What the..."

I look around the lovely room I was given. It's lovely, quaint, a bit on the small side, but clearly every expense was paid to make sure this room was the best of them all. Hand carved grey stones lined the wall to the ceiling. A small mat carved from bedrock sat underneath me with a little ployester cloth with holes to let in a breeze. You know...if there had been windows. Overall, conditions were really nice and if I had the choice, I'd definitely stay there again.

I stand up and walk over to the door. I pull on the handle but it stays securely in place. Grabbing it with both hands I tug and tug with all my might and it still doesn't budge. Frustrated and out of breath, I kick at the door and it flies open. I stand there gaping at it until I get the sense to run out.

Looking around, I find myself in a cozy looking office.

The desk is made of cherry wood and papers litter the surface. There's a small picture frame in one corner though I can't see what it's of.

There are bookshelves lining the walls, filled with a variety of books of different sizes and colors. In one corner by a glass door that leads to a balcony, I see a small table set for two. Carpets with grand yellows and royal blues and purples  litter the ground, under tables and chairs.

"How wonderful, I was wondering when you would wake up." The door swings open casually and the figure who spoke strolls in, looking like a man who has everything he's ever wanted and then some when his eyes land on me.

Lord Daniel Eugene Dalgliesh.

I should have known.

"You," I spit. I bolt towards him, ready to throw myself at him and attempt an escape, but he pulls a little silver gun from his pocket which stops me short.

"Ah, Lillian. You do have some sense after all, don't you?"

I give him my best Rikkard Ambrose glare and he seems unaffected.

"Come, sit with me." Waving his gun towards the table, he strides over to one of the chairs and pulls it out, gesturing for me to take the chair. Not in the habit of doing everything a man tells me to, I bolt towards the door he just entered from, which is right in front of me and duck down in case he decides to shoot.

I hear him sigh just before I clear the room, but when I make it through the door, I knock into something soft but firm.

"Oof." I fall onto my derriere and look up. A large man looms above me. Without saying anything, he takes me by my arms and drags me into the room.

"Get your hands off me, you oaf!" I yell at him. I try to squirm away and kick and punch him, but he's so tall and his arms are long enough to keep me far enough away that I can't make contact with him. "Stop it! Let me go!"

"Put her down here." Lord Dalgliesh says to the giant man currently holding me.

He plops me down--none too gently--in the chair and takes a step back. I try to get up, but with a nod from Dalgliesh, the man pushes down on my shoulder to keep me in the chair.

"So, Lillian." He snaps his fingers and another man emerges from a secret door with a silver tray in his hand. He sets it down on the table, bows to Lord Dalgliesh, and comes back to where he came from. I watch him as he leaves, hoping to see him press a secret lever or something so I can use that to escape, but he just steps up to the wall and after staring at it for a moment, it swings open to reveal a secret passage. Brilliant, I wish my home had something like that. "I suppose you're wondering why you're here."

Instead of answering, because I have a pretty good idea why he's brought me here, I purse my lips and glare at him.

"You're here, because I've finally found my nemesis's weakness. You are the one thing in the world Mr Rikkard Ambrose holds dearest."

My mouth hangs open for a moment, until I realize he must be joking. I try not to laugh but a little snort escapes my lips.

He raises one eyebrow.

"What, is that not the case?"

"No, of course it's not the case. Do you really think Rick cares about anything except his fortune? He takes so much pride in the fact that he's the richest man in all of London."

A muscle in Dalgliesh's jaw twitches.

"Well..." He looks me in the eye. "He won't be for long."

"What do you mean? Do you have a good plan to amass a great fortune? What honorable-"

"I assure you, good lady, there is nothing honorable about a kidnapping."

"Kidnapping...what is achieved from a kidnapping?" Besides annoying me.

"Nothing really, except that in exchange for your release, I will demand a large sum from your husband, who will deliver it into my waiting arms."

"That will never happen, you scoundrel."

"And why ever not? You don't think, in exchange for his wife, he wouldn't pay-"

"Of course he won't pay!"

"Even for his wife?"

"Especially not for his wife." I scowl. "He hates me. He would rather sell me for gold than give someone his to get me back."

Dalgliesh looks at me thoughtfully.

"Is that really what you think?"

"Of course, that's what I know." I roll my eyes. If he think's he'll get a sixpence out of Mr Rikkard Ambrose he's crazier than I thought. "He doesn't love me, he doesn't care about his children. The only thing he does care about is how much he can keep in the bank."

Lord Dalgliesh looks at me and a corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk.

"My dear lady," he leans across the table. "You have no idea how much you mean to him." With that being said, he gets up and nods to the guard still holding my shoulders. He pulls me up and drags me after Lord Dalgliesh.

There you have it! Our favorite (or least favorite, I suppose) villain has made his entrance. It's a rather spectacular one, isn't it?
I hope you're still enjoying the story! Thanks everyone for all the votes. I really appreciate it. :) have a good night

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