A Night I'll Remember

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Ariana Grande as Ember ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

So I figured since you now know who Terra is and what pack she came from, I'd write in the POV of someone from her pack. I was thinking Ember, but Cameron is her brother and future King and stuff so I think it'll be more interesting in his POV. Hope you like it! :D



***Cameron's P.O.V.*** (Terra's brother!!!)

I slam my fist down on the table and almost shatter it, but I'm getting frustrated.

"You can't stop looking!" My voice is rising in volume every time I speak. It echos a little in the huge study, bouncing off the walls.

Our pack's two generals, Paul and Michael, fidget in their seats under my hard stare. They came in while I was doing some paperwork and told me that they were thinking about halting the searches for my sister because they have things to worry about here at home to do as well. My parents have pretty much given up hope that we'll find her alive, but I haven't. Like hell was that ever going stop me from looking for my baby sister.

"Permission to speak freely." Michael asks hesitantly and I answer with a stiff nod.

"Majesty, we've looked for her for months. Isn't there a chance she's-" I cut him off, not liking what he was about to say.

"She is not dead! I refuse to believe that. She is tough and I'm sure she is working on a way to get in contact with us so we can bring her home safely."

"But sir... if rogues took her, wouldn't they have already tried to bargain with us to get her back?" Paul interjects.

"It doesn't matter. Time may as well be our enemy too. The longer they wait, the more frantic we are and allows them to have the upper hand. When we're desperate to have her back they can probably ask for annything they want and get it because she's an important person." I pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers and take a deep breath to try to calm myself down. Where's my mate when I really need her? "All that I know, is that she is still out there somewhere and it is your jobs to find her! You can't stop searching until I say so. Anything you find must be reported directly to me. Is that clear?"

"We'll do our best, sir." Michael says, bowing his head respectively.

I sit back down in my chair and lean back as far as it will go. "If she is found with any other wolves, bring them back here for questioning. If they're rogues, I want them killled immediately. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do." I motion to my cluttered desk. They stand, give me a quick salute and retreat from the room once I reciprocate the motion of placing my fist over my heart.

I close my eyes briefly and notice how quiet it is around here now. Whenever I was working, I'd be able to her my sister's laughter from down the hall or through the window because my office overlooks the courtyard and she used to spend a lot of time out there. It was her favorite place to be and I asked her about it one time. She told me it was a place where she could get away for some peace and quiet. I would see her sitting quietly under a willow tree next to the bubbling brook that constantly splashes around, making is calming to listen to. With her back against it's trunk, she'd read a while before coming back inside. It was either reading or her, Ember and Emma would be doing who knows what. I would all of a sudden hear roaring laughter and the sound of people running in the halls. Occasionally I'd see her painting or sketching stuff, but that didn't happen much. I asked to see one of her pictures once and she looked at me innocently before "accidentally" flicking paint on a white shirt I was wearing. I didn't ask again because I figured it would be worse than paint the next time.

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