The End?

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***Aaron's P.O.V.***

We run. The two packs united as one to take down the threat and get my mate back safely. The most surprising thing, I'm leading them. Even with two alphas and a future alpha in the mix, I'm in charge.

My fur is flat against my body due to the speed of our movements and my sights are set on a single thing.



Gena says they've stopped. I think they're waiting for you to get there. They must know what's going on or they wouldn't have stopped.

~We're ready for them.

But Aaron...

~Spit it out.

They're at the lake.

My stride falters for a few seconds as I grasp onto what she's saying.

The lake is the first place I ever saw Terra, even if it technically wasn't in person. It's also a secret location and sacred to my pack. How would they even be able to find it?! Shit! If they're there, that means that they're in our territory and probably attacked my pack.

~Jordan! I need you to check in on Mel right now!

She's fine, but I've just been informed that we're under attack!

~Shit! We have most of our fighters with us! Most of the wolves there are mates!

I know, so I say we pick up the pace.

The people in our pack begin to push ourselves with new found urgency, making the other pack's wolves fall behind. They don't know what's happening, but I know that they'll be there to help take down whoever we're fighting. Each and every single one of pack members has someone back on our territory they care about and without our best fighters there, the people are in danger. Sure they have their wolves, but not as much training as the rest of us since we didn't want our mates/ loved ones fighting any battles.

I avoid trees, even at our vigorous pace, filled with fire and anger directed at the people causing this mess. My mate wouldn't be missing. She would be with me where I could watch over her and keep her safe. My dad wouldn't be in a coma at the hospital with severe injuries and my mother crying at his bedside praying with every fiber in her body that he lives through this. Everything would be normal!

The normal few hours it would usually take driving to get from one territory to another is almost cut in half. The patrol that would normally be running their rounds around the land are unresponsive so we all cross the invisible border without pausing. Getting deeper into the trees, the smell of something coppery taints the air and makes my nose burn slightly.

Reaching the source of the smell, I shift mid-stride and kneel down next to the motionless wolf. I carefully flip him over and press my mouth into a thin line when I see who it is.

"Damon, Dax, Brook..." I call out and the three of them quickly make it to the front of the rest. Brook wines quietly and lowers her body to the ground slowly while Dax and Damon move quickly to my side. They look sadly down at their father, but don't cry out or howl. It would give our position away and they understand that. "You can stay, but the rest of us need to keep moving."

No! Now it's personal and this mother fucker is going to die.

I simply nod and admire Brooklyn for pulling herself together so quickly, but I wasn't expecting what she said. Her brother agree and I shift back into my black and white wolf.

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