The Bonfire

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

After walking in circles for the next ten minutes, I figured out he has no idea where he's going without having to look into his mind like I can. I choose not to though because I respect his privacy, unlike some people... cough, cough, Aaron.

 I asked him about it, but he told me he knew where he's going. Haha, liar.

"Aaron, I think it's this way." I say, tugging his hand to the left, but he stops me.

"No, I think it's to the right. See, there's smoke in the sky in this direction." I shrug and let go of his hand.

"Ok, then you'll go your way and I'll go my way and we'll see who gets there first." I propose and he frowns slightly.

"Why do we have to split up?"

"You think yo're right and I do too, so this is the only way to prove who's right." His frown transforms into a smirk.

"Alright, if it's a race you want, then you'll have it." He positions himself in front of his path and me at mine. "Ready, set, go!" We both run full out in out set directions and I smile to myself. It feels good to run like this. It's been too long since my last run.

I jump over a fallen tree and keep up my fast pace towards the smell of a fire that's getting stronger with each step. It's only when it starts getting hard to breathe that I slow down a little.

As I round the next corner, I stop midrun and gasp for a breath as the smoke clogs my lungs. I cough and make my way quickly foreward to see if anyone needs any help.

Row after row of tents are burning, up in flames that lick the ground and leave a burnt patch of grass in its place. I can hear people screaming for help, but no one is directly in sight. I assume they're trapped inside.

Beginnign to freak out, I reach out to one burning flames and feel my hand get hot from the close proximity. I draw it back quickly before I can burn it. Tears spring to my eyes as it gets harder to see, but I wipe them quickly away, most likely wiping soot all over my face in a black mess mixed with my tears.

Ash is beginning to sift away in the breeze, but it's also blowing the poisonous fumes from the smoke. Someone has to see the column of black ascending into the sky. It's hard to miss!

I cover my mouth with my hand, but it does nothing to help with my breathing as I slowly move forward looking for anyone trying to help these people.

I realize pretty quickly that I'm alone. No one is doing anything to try to help while lives are burning alive and screaming for someone to help them.

Covering my ears with my hands, I try to block out the heart wrenching cries of agony instead of focusing on getting clean air. By now, actual tears are flowing down my face with no intention of stopping anytime soon.

 I look up into the sky where the sparks and smoke are disappearing into the black night sky.

Just then, someone picks me up and twirls me in their arms. I gasp from shock as my mate places me carefully down on my feet, completely ignoring everything going on around us.

"Did you get a little lost?" He teases and I look to the side and see everything just how it should be; not on fire and quiet like the night is supposed to be. Did that just happen? A few seconds ago, this whole place was on its way of being a pile of ash. Where are the flames, smoke, screams piercing the still night air?

Aaron must not see my confusion and continues.

"You look a little lost, staring up at the sky and all. but at the same time you look incredibly hot."

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