Party Crashers

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

Aaron's mom went into the kitchen to reheat dinner. She says nothing is going to stop her from getting to know me better. That's where Aaron rolled his eyes and sat me down on the love seat in the living room.

At the moment, he's absentmindedly playing with my fingers and I make no move to stop him. It's oddly comforting to have him doing that and I don't even notice the silence that's settled in the room.

"Was she happy?" Aaron asks suddenly tightening his hold on my hands but not in any way that it's painful.

"Char was... Char. She did things her own way and took care of all of us runaways. We were actually all girls until Brent, but we survived by sticking together and looking after one another. She was like our Alpha and we all loved her."

"So you were close with her?" I nod, avoiding his gaze.

"I think it hit me the hardest when she was killed. I saw it happen and I couldn't get to her in time so I still feel guilty."

"You did your best." He comforts, drawing me to his chest.

"I killed the guy who did it though. I was just so angry and upset, I lost control for a second and my wolf just took over." I say, hearing his thoughts of ripping the guy limb from limb when he finds out who did it. "I'm not proud of killing someone, but I can't change the past."

"No one blames you." I do. "And stop thinking it's you own fault." He snaps, drawing back to look at me. "If anything, it's mine or my pack's fault."

"Aaron..." I whisper, tugging my hands from his grasp and he lets me. I lift one to his face and lightly trace the sharp planes of his face with my fingers. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch. "I don't blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself either."

"Maybe you should follow our own advice darling." He smirks, opening his eyes slightly to look at me. I jerk my hand away from him.

"That's not what you were supposed to get out of that." I accuse him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well it's what both of us need to do." He states, giving me a stern look. I meet it with a defiant one of my own and he sighs. "Why are you fighting me on this?"

"You weren't there. You don't know what it feels like!" I mutter, my eyes drifting to look at the picture of a smiling little girl. A hand turns my face lightly to look back at him and he rests our foreheads together. I avoid looking into his eyes.

"I admit, I don't know because I wasn't there, but I always want to be there for you in the future. You're my life now and I need you. I love you." He finishes quietly. I had closed my eyes, reveling in our closeness, but hearing his last words, I open them and smile.

"I love you too." He beams and leans in to kiss me. My eyes flutter closed automatically in anticipation of our kiss. Just as our lips brush each other, someone pushes my head away from his and I growl.

"Oh stop it. Dinner's ready so you two please follow me." Aaron's mom says in a sweet and innocent voice like she hadn't just stopped us from kissing before walking happily back into the kitchen.

Aaron, on the other hand, doesn't look too happy and is mumbling about his mom about picking the worst time to interrupt. He looks like a child who had his cell phone taken away from them.

"Come on, mate." I say, standing up off the love seat. "I'm kinda hungry." He sighs and stands next to me. I turn to follow after his mom, but he quickly grabs my arm to stop me. I look back to ask what he's doing when he crushes me to his chest and crashes our mouths together.

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