Playing With Fire

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

Everything went smoothly once we got to breakfast. Aaron didn't let me leave his side, but I felt it oddly comforting that he cares so much. He even tolerated Hayden when he walked over to talk to me. He looked a little uneasy at first, but once he realized my mate wasn't going to snap at him or tell him to go away, he relaxed.

We talked about random things; likes, dislikes, interests, stuff like that.

"What's your favorite color?" I pretend to think about it when really, it's the easiest question ever.

"Umm... green. Yours?" From the corner of my eyes I see Aaron's lips twitch like he's fighting back a smile. I'll ask him about it later.

"Red. Did you play any sports?"

"Well." I clasp my hands in front of me. "Mom thought sports were, and I quote, unladylike, but." I pause for dramatic effect. "I play volleyball and basketball. I also know some martial arts, can shoot a bow and arrow and I think I'm pretty good at using a sword or dagger." He stares open mouthed at me for a moment efore gathering himself.

"Damn. You do all of that without mom knowing?" I scoff.

"Of course not. It was fun seeing the look on her face when I told her I was doing all those things without her knowing. And before you ask, anyone she had set up to watch me, like the pain in the ass it was, the guards actually helped me because half of what I do is in self defense and the other is what I do to have fun. They didn't see anything wrong with that." I lower my voice and lean towards my older bro, well, as far as I an lean with my mate's arm wrapped around my waist. "I secretly think dad liked that I do so much and told the guards to either back off or help me. Works for me though."

"Well, that certainly explains why you can beat up my men." He runs a hand through his hair. "Next question!" Way to change the subject. "Favorite movie?" I purse my lips.

"Don't have one. Favorite animal AND do not say wolf. Pick another one." He laughs.

"I don't have another one." I huff.

"Fine, be that way. Favorite movie?" He shrugs.

"Don't have one either." I stare at him, surprised.

"It's like talking to a rock whose favorite color is red. Okay then, ask me some more questions since you seem to have no time for anything fun." He chuckles.

"It's true. Work doesn't allow for much. And if you insist, what's your favorite flower?"

"Seriously?" He raises his hands in surrender, although, I'm not sure what he's giving up on.

"I'm being thorough."

"Okaaaaaay." I draw out the word. He's so weird! Aaron coughs to hide a laugh because he's snooping in my head again. Hayden glances at him, but ignores it for the most part. "Probably lillies."



I have to talk with my packmates abotu something. Will you be okay if I leave you here for a little while?

~You worry too much. I'll be fine.

Don't go anywhere by yourself. Stay with your brother.

As much as it makes me happy to have the space, him saying I have to stay with Hayden brings me back to worrying for him. I know he doesn't like him all that much and probably would leave me with him if it wasn't important.

~Is everything okay?

It's fine. I just need to take care of something.

"Okay." I say aloud. "Stay safe." He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

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