Eventful Wakeup

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

I jump upright and clutch the covers close to my chest. A drop of sweat trickles down the side of my face and my breath is coming out in short pants. My hair is sticking to the sides of my face and the back of my neck.

It was just another nightmare.

Looking to the side I see Aaron isn't in bed, but when I look at the time, it's only a little after two in the morning. Getting up, I notice the balcony doors are slightly cracked.

"Aaron..." I whisper, pushing the door open a little. When he doesn't answer, I push it open the whole way, only to be greeted by the freezing night air. Wearing only a black singlet and shortshorts isn't very warm. I should have grabbed my blanket.

I look to my left were  hear soft snores coming from and smile at the sight. My mate is in one of the chairs with his head tipped back so it's facing the sky and his mouth slightly open. He looks peaceful and relaxed while he's asleep. His face is void of any emotion and makes him look younger and without anything to worry about.

I shiver as my bare feet touch the cool stone and make my way to his chair. How can he not be cold out here? It's freaking December second and he's wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boxers outside.

"Aaron." I mutter,  placing my hand on his shoulder to shake him awake. He grumbles in his sleep and reaches out for me, drawing me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me to keep me from getting up. He sighs contently and settles back into the chair.

Well, this isn't what I was planning to happen, but it's not my fault he didn't wake up. Though, he is really warm which is why he's probably not cold. Deciding not to wake him up because of how peaceful he is, I press my face against his chest and draw my feet underneath me to keep them warm. In his arms, not caring we're outside, I fall asleep almost immediately.

I don't know how much later, but I feel myself being lifted carefully into someone's arms. Without even thinking, I grumble for the person to put me down and he chuckles, the vibration traveling through his body and into mine.

"Stop it." I reply, lightly swinging my one arm and it connects with something hard. Confused, I pry my eyes open, blinking a few times to let my eyes adjust. Flushing, I bring my hand to my chest like it would have caught on fire if it had stayed on his face any longer.

Yeaaaaaaah, turns out the hard thing I hit was him face and I had my hand on his mouth, nose and cheek. He, of course, finds this amusing and has smirk on his completely adorable and sexy face.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He sets me on the bed. "I could have walked myself." I state and he rolls his eyes.

"Why did you fall asleep outside? You could have frozen in this weather." Did I ever mention I hate it when people counter my question with one of their own?

"Well, I actually tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't. Instead you chose to grab me in your sleep and keep me on your lap. And for your information, you're a great source of heat so I was toasty warm." I smile, feeling smug, until he starts shaking his head slowly. "What are you laughing about?"

"You were shivering in my arms when I woke up and pressed as close to me as you could get."

"Who said I was pressed against you because I was shivering?" I counter and he smiles slightly.

"I'm not arguing with you right now." He crawls onto the bed next to me and pulls me into his lap with his back against the headboard. "Go to sleep. You need it."

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