Note to My Heart

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

 My. Jaw. Dropped.

How could I not have seen this coming?! I am so stupid! I mentally face palm myself, but turn my gaze to Bryn. She's shrugged Hayden's hand off of her, but still hasn't met her mate's gaze.

"Dude, why?" He asks Hayden and my brother hold up his hands in a submissive gesture. never mess with an unmated female or the male will go crazy. I wonder if Aaron has completely flipped when I'm not around or paying attention?

"Sorry Skye. I wasn't trying anything. I'll be over there now." He leaves quickly and Skye turns his suspicious look to his mate. His face softens and Bryn peeks up at him through her lashes. I have never seen Bryn shy and let me tell you it's definitely a different thing to see.

"Don't lie to me." He starts softly. "Was he trying anything?" Bryn shakes her head quickly, making her hair fall into her face, but he brushes it aside.


"Good." Skye finally seems to notice me and he gives me a sheepish smile. "Hey Terra."

"Don't look so nervous. The two of you are adorable together." I tap his nose with my finger. "Take care of her Skye or I'll find you and kick your ass." He laughs while Bryn just looks embarrassed.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting her." He gets this dreamy and faraway look in his eyes as he gazes down at her. I sigh. If only my life wasn't so screwed up then I could have a nice, simple relationship like them. Speaking of being in a relationship... where's that hunky mate of mine? He should have been here by now.

I stand up from my spot, grab my plate of cold food and excuse myself from the happy new couple. The two of them are adorable together! I'm glad my friends are going to be together and happy.

I throw away my plate, even though I hadn't eaten anything and that is kinda the whole point of being here, but whatever. I'll eat later.

I set out to find Aaron and since it's been a couple of days, I'm getting better at finding my way around. It's not really hard to remember where everything is once you get used to the layout.

I sniff the air and catch his delicious scent that has my wolf stirring inside me. I keep her down and continue along. Every few minutes I'll sniff the air again to see if I'm going the right way and I always am, but it doesn't hurt to check.

I frown when I realize that I'm headed in the direction of the place I had my most recent vision. What is he doing there?

I pick up my pace and see his back facing me as he gazes up at the sky. Now, I would normally sneak up behind him and jump onto his back, but something about the way he's stand has me a little worried. I quickly walk around him to stand in front of him and I could cry at what I see.

His face is tilted upwards to the sun and tears are streaming from the corners of his eyes. His mouth is parted slightly in surprise and both of his eyes are glazed over as if he's seeing something entirely different than the sun. The worst thing, though, is the pained and sorrowful expression actually on his face. It's like he's in pain and extremely sad at the same time, but nothing is happening to him physically to make him that way. It's then I realize exactly what's happening.

"Aaron!" I call hurriedly and jump so that I'm right in front of him with only a few inches separating us. "Wake up, sweetie." He doesn't even twitch at he sound of my voice. I start to panic and grab his face in both of my hands. I force his head to look down at me, whether he sees me or not. "Snap out of it. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real." I try again to reach my mate, but he remains still like a statue. Not even the sparks from us touching has woken him up. "Please, look at me." I plead and force the tears forming not to fall. It won't help the situation if I cry.

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