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Right now, everything's a blur.

My family
My friends
My grades
My life
My faith

Thoughts like "God doesnt love me anymore" and "Maybe I've been too bad that He won't forgive me anymore" run through my mind these past few days. Even right now, I'm still a mess.

I'm not the same person as I am before, and I don't even know if I got better or worse.

At some point, I think that maybe I was too full of myself that God punishes me right me and disciplines me because I keep on telling Him that I trust Him and trust in His power when maybe honestly deep inside of me, I believed in myself more that I believed in Him.

Maybe I needed to be taught many lessons or maybe this is a test of faith. Maybe too this is a punishment. But what I'm sure of is that all these things happened for a reason

I feel bad but I've come to that point where I questioned God if why did He forsake me? I served Him always and He left me. Some of my friends were unbelievers but why are they blessed more than me? Why am I less loved?

God made me realize that all things I did was for pretense and that I did it because I needed something from Him.

Now, who wouldve thought it would come to some point that I must write this for you only for me to realize my mistake.

God is truly amazing. He works in wonders we can never fathom.

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