Night Disappears, Beautiful Morning awaits!

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Khushi POV
Why this...why now? I have been dutifully doing everything expected out of a daughter-in-law, a wife, then what does Devi Maiyya(DM) want. It was just a matter of 2 more months. But no...this is me Khushi Kumari Gupta...temporary Singh Raizada.. how can things ever go right. Now again things will go wrong for sister...because of whom I sacrificed myself, she will have to face my in-laws harsh words. I am habitual to all this now. But she deserves all the happiness. What will happen now I wonder...? Please help me DM...dont abandon me completely.

I could see every expression with my eyes. Nannav's repentance, Naniji, Akash and Mami with guilt & anger, Di fuming with hurt and rage towards that snake Shyam, who inturn was sweating with fear, and Khushiji along with Payalji standing like a guilty person waiting for their punishment to be announced. What are these girls made of. So pure and innocent. No anger and hate for us Raizadas.
Its time to clear things. Do gave myself the pep talk.

" I saw this video 2 days ago in Australia. Somehow I had forgotten the camcorder at the terrace on that unfortunate day. I came across this section of the video just recently. I arrived here yesterday afternoon not today. And the first thing I did was to do a background check on Jeeju. He is a manipulative, vengeful, money hungry beast. As a lawyer he is associated with criminals and illegal activities. Also, he met Khushiji long before Payaljis marriage to Akash. He was once a guy to whom Khushiji was engaged to. As per the residents of Laxmi Nagar Shyam pretended to be a bachelor, lived in Gupta House as a PG and with his sweet talks convinced Bua-ji to get Khushiji married to him. And one very important piece of information which I suppose even Gupta family is unaware of. The reason why Shashi Uncle is paralysed today is none other than Shyam Manohar Jha. Since Uncle realized the truth about this scumbag, Shyam tortured and harmed him to the extent that Uncle got a stroke and lost his voice.

Anjali POV
My husband is a monster. He is nothing but a disloyal, cheat and good for nothing person. And here I worshipped him to death. No I will not loose myself. I am a woman. Today's woman. I will not let this creature win. I will show him the strength of a woman. A mother. He deserves punishment, severe punishment. And above all that...he played with my sister-in-laws feelings. She looked so sad during those days when her engagement broke. Like a broken butterfly, who was fluttering with the difficulties and cruelities of life. Shyam Manohar will be punished..justice will be served.

"How dare you!!!....Shyam Manohar Jha!!! are nothing but a coward, vile and venomnous creature. You dare to take away my happiness. Me and my child do not deserve a cheat like you. You tried to misguide tried to snatch away my Chote's happiness. You almost made Khushiji yet another victim of yours. Listen to me you bas*** will be punished for all your crimes. You messed with two women and their entwined lives. Today you will see how strong a woman is. NK the police now!!! He will spend the rest of his life in jail.

Shyam POV
No way Rani Sahiba. I did so much for this house. I sacrificed everything. I pretended to be all good and happy...I want all your property and this mansion. All my hardwork will not go into waste. How dare you? And Khushiji is my life. She is my obsession...I will get her in my life somehow. And no one can take me away from this house. No you cannot call the police...I am your husband. For 3 and a half years I did so much for this family and you have the audacity to call the good for nothing woman.

Akash POV
After all this I wont let him destroy my sister's life. I walked towards Shyam and held him by his collar only to punch him. I did not know for how long I hit him. It was minutes or hours I had no idea. But I came out of my haze when NK bhai pulled me away from a bleeding Shyam. The snake was being pulled from the other side by the police. Good he will be punished for all his sins. He deserves death.
But I had no words to describe the guilt I was feeling today. My wife and sister-in-law did not deserve this. I was unaware of all this. How could I be so selfish? My sister in law was the one who stood by me and my love when we needed her the most. And today all I can do is stand as guilty for giving her nothing in return.

Arnav POV
I saw my Di at her utmost strength today. She did not react the way i had expected her to. She did not fall into depression. And here I thought she would be unable to take the pain and betrayal. Yet again I was proved wrong. The women is my life were not weak and helpless. This has become evident from today. By looking at Di's face I can see that she will get better with time. Her child will give her the needed strength to pull out from this tradegy of her life. I was proud to call her my sister, after watching her behave like a goddess ready to defeat a demon.

But I did not have her strength and will power. I feel like a coward. I have betrayed the love of my life in the worst possible way. So many questions to ask. So many answers that I need from her. Are you a human being? Dont you feel any pain? Do you still have any strength left? The power to forgive me for my unforgivable sins? To accept and love me? Someone who hurt her even greater than that snake Shyam? ASR is nothing today...a lost cause. I once again feel like the old me. But I have committed the worst sin. I have made Khushi the same 14 yr old abandoned boy that I once was. I turned her from Khushi Kumari Gupta to Arnav Mallik.

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