My Musical Henna

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Arnav POV
It was 12.30 pm right now. Everyone is dead sleep. And here is Arnav Singh Raizada. Wide awake. Longing to steal some romantic moments with Khushi. And I am sure, she must be sleeping like a bull right now. In her Taekwondo poses. Hahaha. Crazy girl. But I have to meet her right now. As it is she will be super busy with the wedding preparations. I missed her a lot these days. Since she came back to Parilok with me. Everyone has kept her occupied. But why cant my family understand that we have to spend time together as well. They always hover around her. No ways I am not waiting any longer. Right now is the perfect time to meet my Jalebi.

I tip toed out of my room and walked downstairs. The guest room is besides Nani's room. I have to be extra careful. With perfect silence I entered her room.
Oh my....just look at her. Sleeping like a baby, my cute of a fiancee.
I closed the door and sat on the bed beside her. God!!!...what if I had told Di about Khushi when I met her in Sheesh Mahal. We would have been happily married by now. Maybe with a Mini Khushi on the way. Hmmm she will be extra beautiful when she will carry our child. A perfect combo of the two of us. My thoughts were interrupted when Khushi tossed towards me and kicked me in the stomach. I groaned in pain.
And that moment made Khushi became conscious enough to realize about my presence in her room.

"YOUUUU...." I practically slammed my hand on her mouth.
"Shhhhh...quiet. Its me." I gestured towards myself like an idiot. Wide eyes and an 'O' shaped mouth was my warm welcome. Amazing!!!
"What are you doing here? At this time? We are not married yet? You are not allowed to come here? Arnavji are you even listening?" She questioned me without a pause, switched on her lamp and stood from the bed, simultaneously.

I pulled her by the waist. Our foreheads were glued together. Her beauty manages to mesmerize me every single time.
"Can I speak now soon to be Raizada?" I asked in my husky voice.
"Huhhh...." she sounded blank. My possessive side wanted me to pound my chest like an apeman right now.
"Relax Khushi. We have not even kissed each other properly yet. And you have turned into a tomato..already." I smirked.
" I am not turning into a" Her eyes fluttering like a hummingbirds wings.
"If that is the case then why dont you prove it to me. This afternoon during the Mehendi ceremony you will have to kiss me. And this is not a Payash wedding so forget about the cheek kiss. You know what I am talking about. Why dont you complete what was left incompleted on Diwali night?"
She flustered and tried to get away from my hold. I allowed her to do.
" How can I do that?" She said looking everywhere but me.
"Really. Not even for your Jaanu Baanu? Come on Khushi...are you scared?"
"No I am not scared...but.."
"Alright. I will wait for my kiss. Goodnight Khushi. And try not to dream about know." I winked and walked out of her room.

Next morning during breakfast

Khushi POV
Oh DM!!! I am dead. I am so dead. Why did I say to Arnavji that I am not scared. I am freaking out here. What to do? How can I kiss him during the function. In front of so many people!!! Khushi Kumari Gupta...think think.

"Khushiji...why are you not eating? All ok?" Nanheji asked me pulling me out of my kiss..uh...I mean thoughts.

"Hehehe. Nothing Nanheji I was just thinking about something." I replied.

"Yeah Khushi I noticed too. You look a bit flushed. Is it the weather?" Arnavji asked innocently. God this Laad governer. I wish I could wipe off that smirk from his face. Ughhh.

"No Arnavji. I am fine. Yes, it must be the weather." I answered with a fake smile.

During the Mehendi

Arnav POV
There was so much loud music. NK and Akash were dancing around with Reena Chachi and Payal. But my mind was on my beauty. Hmmm. So Khushi Kumari Gupta I am waiting. Why is she ignoring me? I hope she is ready for our kiss. No problem. There is still time. Lets see how her brain comes up with a plan to kiss me here in the presence of everyone.

Khushi POV
Sitting with Henna covering me till my elbows I was lost somewhere else altogether. Someone asked the name of the groom. And when I heard an 'A' I noded absent-mindedly. And very soon my hands started drying.
God I hope this idea works. Please give me the strength DM. Khushi..dont back out now, you are not scared of anything... got it.

"Karanji...I need a favor from you."
"What is it Gupta?" He asked with a happy face.
"I need you to remove the fuse from the elecricity box near the kitchen. When I signal you to do so. And right after 5 minutes you will put it back in place. And no one should know about it. Please. Can you do it for your Arjun?" I asked innocently.
"Ofcourse, my Arjun. Done deal. I will wait for your signal." He said with a wink.

I gave the signal to Karanji and waited with bated breath for the darkness.
And in another 2 minutes the hall turned dark. I had an eye on Arnavji so I whispered to him to follow me and took him to the backyard of the house.

We were watching one another with so much intensity that an iceberg would have melted in Antarctica. Slowly and purposefully I closed the distance between us.
"Wait Khushi." Arnavji stopped me.
"What is it?" I whispered.
"Yesterday night I was teasing you Khushi. Listen to me carefully. If you are not ready... dont do it, just to prove a point. I love you Khushi. I will respect your decision as well." He said softly but meaningfully.
And at that moment he reminded me of my best friend, my Arnavji. Who made me happy in Lucknow even though we were away from one another.
"And what if I want to do it.." I asked.
"Then I have no desire to stop you dear."
With that I closed the little space between us and kissed him. Our first kiss. It was beautiful. A soft passionate kiss that made me realize how lucky I am to have him in my life.
Few minutes later the light came back. And we pulled away from one another. Both mirroring joy and happiness.

Karan POV
"Wow Karanji. You repaired the fuse so quickly. I was getting so worried for Pari. Her cries have slowed down now. Pheww." My light said while cuddling her daughter.
"I know. Maybe I am a Magician. You never know." Hearing her laughter my heart rate escalated for sure.
"Pari is very beautiful. Like mother like daughter." I said
She blushed looking here and there. Oh god. Such a beautiful sight.
"I should go and feed her." Dont go anywhere. Please. My heart said repeatedly.
"Sure. I will see you around."
She noded and walked away.
Last night I had already gathered all the information about her using my special contacts. Some bas****, had married her for money and property. I wish I could kill him. Now he was in jail, getting punished for his crimes. She is coming to terms with her life and is moving ahead with Pari. I wish I could confess about my feelings to her right now. But she is in a fragile state right now. I cant just spring my thoughts on her. I have to be careful. I have to start by being friends. Hehehe. What an irony. I threatened her brother for Khushi. And now history will repeat soon someday.
"Anjali and Pari girls you will be Guptas one day. Thats my promise to myself."

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