Punching a Hole in his Heart

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Note: Sorry to cause any confusion guys. But there was no kidnapping track in my story. And after returning from Gupta House nothing like Khushi's suicide or any discussion regarding Shyam happened between Arshi.

Third person POV
Both Arnav & Khushi were standing beside each other at the poolside. She has no idea how to start a conversation. Arnav on the other hand is in too much pain and guilt to talk. Both have been staring at the stars for a while now. But Khushi feels like talking to Arnav. She wants to console him.

Khushi: I know what happened with Di is disturbing you. She is very important you. Di is precious for you, just like my Jeeji is for me. I am sure things will change for good. She and her child will have a better future now.

Arnav: Yes, she will be happy. But what about you Khushi? What about your pain? Do you ever think about yourself Khushi? Did you not suffer enough? Shyam destroyed 2 lives Khushi. It was not just Di who got hurt in the end.

Khushi: Arnavji...you..?

Arnav cannot take it anymore he held Khushi's hands only to gently make her sit on the chair. Khushi on the other hand was confused. Seeing this caring side of his husband. Everything seemed so weird. His words, his politeness.
Arnav did not let go off her hands. He started rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, trying to sooth the pain he caused somehow. With determination he looked up in her chocolate eyes. Confusion was clear in her eyes. With a heavy sigh he started..

Arnav: I never...I never was the one to express myself. My past has made me what I am today Khushi. There was a time when emotions and feelings mattered to me. I was...I was only 14 when my Mom committed suicide. The reason being my Dad...he had an affair. My Mom could not take in the pain and betrayal. My Dad too killed himself after that. Di and me...

Khushi: Oh God!!!...I am so sorry...I had no idea...I..I..

Arnav: Khushi please let me complete. Di and me, we were thrown out of our own house by our Uncle. He took over our property and house. And homeless, both of us walked on streets for 3 days. And it took 3 days for Nani and Mamaji to find us. Since then we live with them. The pain and hurt I faced during those days made me the ASR you see in front of you. Arnav Mallik died that day. I promised myself to become a wealthy person. And after years of hardwork and efforts I started my own business, AR designs. Sheesh Mahal is the property that I wanted to buy after finally achieving success. That place was once my home. I took over Sheesh Mahal, and that very day when I was trying to absorb and come to terms with my past you...you Khushi.. dropped in my arms.

Khushi was listening with apt attention. She had no idea that this person who had so much hate and anger in him was once just a normal person. But circumstances of life had turned him into a hard shell of a person.

Arnav: And when I saw you something changed within me. Those expressive chocolate eyes of yours were staring into my soul. But, my past, my present was in utter chaos. And your arrival in my life at that very moment shook me to my core. I felt very vulnerable. So to avoid feeling anything towards you I did everything to hate you. My hurtful words, my anger, every word about your class and social status was a facade. I had to create it so that you would not cross the strong walls around my heart. But you did it Khushi Kumari Gupta...you did it. You forced me to like you, to feel for you. And slowly and gradually...I started liking your presence, hating your absence, you made me me feel jealousy, you made me buy gifts for you. And then all I wanted was your smile, happiness and joy...

Khushi was shell shocked to hear him. Arnavji's words were bringing back her irregular hearbeats...Dhak Dhak was back again. Khushi's vortex of imagination was on the rise. A while ago nothing was making sense. But now, all she wanted was to hear her Arnavji's words. She made him loose his mind. She caused him to like her. He was expressing his feelings towards her. Is this a dream? Who is this person, sitting in front of her, opening up his emotions to her?

Arnav: I was escalated with joy on the day of Akash and Payal's wedding. Your blush. Your words. Your care. All were for me. And that day..that day I knew that I was in love with you. Arnav Singh Raizada had fallen for Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Khushi gasped with shock. She had no words to express. She remembered the words he spoke to her that morning. He wanted to talk to her. She knew it in her heart that Arnavji might confess his feeling towards her. But to know that it was true made her feel like a queen. But what happened then?That very evening things had changed between them.

Khushi: But...you....you never said anything like that. That evening you became a different person altogether. If you say you felt so much for me then what happened. In just a few hours how-come you turned into that same arrogant & cruel ASR who I first met in Sheesh Mahal?

Arnav saw questions clearly on her face. She still has no idea. I will break her heart by telling her the truth behind this contract marriage. She will be heart broken. Arnav's head hurt with all these thoughts. Its now or never Arnav. Tell her. She deserves to know the truth.

Arnav: Khushi...you saw the video of the terrace a while ago...what do you remember?

Khushi almost got a whiplash by the change in the topic. She was trying to understand the reason for this sudden change in the conversation, when a light bulb went off in her brain. She now remembered the most crucial detail of that video. Arnav standing at the door with a devastated expression. Him walking out in the middle of the conversation. It seems everyone in the family was so taken by Shyam's truth that they failed to remember that Arnav was present their for a while.

Khushi: So the reason why you married me in such a way, why you hated me all of a sudden, why you hurt me so much till today...is that you thought I...loved him?

Arnav could not take her heartbreaking face. He had tears in his eyes. His hand left Khushi's soft ones. Rage filled him. His fingers curled into fists. He stood up without leaving her eyes. While Khushi was hurt by everything at the same time she felt pain watching her husbands tears. Both the lovers felt salt burn their wounds. Their own pain forgotten. Taking in each others pain. Because thats what the always did.

Arnav: Yes. It hurt me. I felt like the same 14 year old that I once was. My heart broke into pieces. But being the ever loving brother that I am, I focused on my Di. Her pregnancy announcement left me with no other option. And all I thought was if I cannot get your love, then neither can Shyam. You know how I used to feel seeing you and NK together. The magnitude of me jealousy and hatred expanded multiple times. All that I recalled from your conversation was how he hugged you & how you asked him to leave my Di.
And from then onwards I started hating you, taunting you, torturing you.

With these words a guilty Arnav decided to punish himself. Infuriated by his wife's tears, he broke the glass table near his plants with his bare hands. He deserved it. This was nothing in comparison to the emotional and physical torture that Khushi went through because of him.

Khushi: Oh My God....Arnavji, what are you doing??....stop..stop it. Devi Maiyya help. You are bleeding so much. Come with me. I will do your first-aid. Why did you do it? Control yourself Arnavji. Please come inside. Let me see your wounds.

Arnav: I deserve to bleed a thousand times Khushi. I destroyed your spirit. I broke your heart. I can never forgive myself. Not in this life. But one thing is for sure, the Rakshas of a husband who made your life a living hell is dead today. These broken glass pieces, my bleeding hands and your precious tears are a witness of it.

Both the souls stared at each other. Circumstances of life had ruined their blossoming love. And now both of them were like those broken glass pieces lying on the ground right now.

Next update will focus on Khushi's reaction to everything that she heard. Coming out from her intial shock stage.

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