Its not you who faced the betrayal!

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Arnav POV
I was trying to figure out how to start apologizing for all the times I hurt her. But did not know how. She on the other hand cleaned my wounds and wrapped my hands in gauze and bandages.
She still thinks about my pain. After all that I did. Atleast her humanity is still intact...that did not shatter. Common Arnav. Its time to take the first step towards making Khushi feel better.

"Khushi...I dont...I dont really know what to say to you. I cannot even look at myself in the mirror. It hurts me to think about what I did to you. I know I dont deserve your forgiveness. But I have to start somewhere right. I...I am so sorry...Khushi I am really very sorry. Please...please say something. I know I dont even have the right to say sorry. But please dont shut me out. Shout back at me, taunt me, hurt me. Do whatever it takes to make you feel better."

She sighed for a long moment and then looked up from the bandages into my eyes.

Khushi POV
"Firstly, thanks a lot Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Thank you so much for telling me the reason for this marriage...oh my mistake...this contractual deal. After a long period of 4 months I am finally rewarded with your answer.

Secondly, do not make the mistake of assoiciating what you feel for me as love. I beg you! Because you are making fun of a such a pure emotion. Love is not just about wanting to be with the person you care about. It is much more than that. It is about trusting the other person. It is about communicating your thoughts, ideas and opinions. It is about sacrificing your own happiness and taking away someones pain. It is about give and take."

Arnav POV
Oh God!!!. She is right. She is so right. She finally got her answer after 4 long months. I have no right to ask for her forgiveness. I could clearly see the pain in her eyes. The look of betrayal. I felt like being slapped. She is correct. I really had no idea about love. I am fool to propose my love for her. What I did to her is nowhere close to love. My eyes were unable to meet hers.
"Khushi...I..I...I dont know what to.." But the dam had been broken already and no one could stop the damage now.

Khushi POV
"You say on Payash wedding you wanted to confess your feelings towards me. Then tell me after witnessing half a conversation between two people....why were you so quick to pass a judgement? Did you once try to verify what went wrong. Where did your quick presence of mind runaway? The great ASR was unable to figure out what went wrong?!? Ok I accept, for a minute all you felt was betrayal. Your past coincided with your present. Watching me hugging Shyamji broke you. Tell me why did you not confront me then? If you felt so much for me where was your trust. During those days when I worked for you in the office and RM, you hated me for bringing out the emotional side of yours. Fine. Even though the way you dealt with me was extremely aweful...still for a minute I will consider it...since such new emtions bothered you. But when your hatred turned into love. When you were able to read me so easily. When you were able to understand my feelings, my happiness, why were you unable to comprehend that I had no feelings for Shyamji.
Rather you made a Deal...a deal with me. You manipulated my feelings for my sister. You were well aware of the fact Arnavji, that Jeeji's previous wedding was cancelled. So you played with my emotions. And you used me. You were also aware of the fact that marriage is a ritual that holds utmost importance in my life. So you once again made a joke out of it. A marriage became a business contract. Disgusting, cheap, you once used these words for me right? Look at this practical definition of cheapness that you gave to our relation."

Arnav POV
" Khushi...please I beg you. Stop...stop...what we share is not cheap. Please do not use such words. I made a huge I committed a sin. Our marriage should have been a beautiful start of our relationship. What you felt for me was pure. But I tainted your innocence. I made this a complete disaster."
I have no answers to give. Her accusations put me in tears. Cheap. Yes...thats what I did. I am a fool. A good for nothing person.

Khushi POV
"Thirdly, the torture I went through due to your misunderstanding was it justified?Who declared you a God? Who gave you the right to play with someones life? Just because a person as per you perception... betrayed your love, you take revenge from him. Manhandling someone you love, cutting his soul through your cruel words?"

Arnav POV
"No one gave me the right to play god. I am a were right when you named me a rakshas. That is what I am. Honestly Khushi, I have nothing to say in return. I am extremely guilty. Because all your words are true. I tried to kill your beautiful soul....all I can to is ask for your forgiveness...which I dont think is a possibility now..."
She is right. I practically made her a prisoner. No even they are not tortured to such extreme levels...

Khushi POV
He felt guilty. He knew he was wrong all along. Thats for sure. But he used my love, my feelings for him. He should know what his behavior and actions did to me.
"Finally...please answer just one question of mine. Leave out the rest of my accusations. Do I deserve to be toyed with? Two men came into my life. Broke my heart and played with my feelings. Both tried to mould me as per their wishes. What was my mistake...what crime did I commit?"

In the next update Khushi will decide her future. This time the ball will be in her court.

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