The way we meet - How Cliche!

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Arnav POV
"Akash its final. I dont want any arguements. Payal is sick, you stay at home. I will attend this meeting. It might take 2-3 days to sign the deal. Being out of town for this long will not be good. You will be constantly worried for her. Trust me its fine."
It took me while to convince Akash. But after sometime he too agreed. We were sitting in my room right now. The sudden meeting had thrown Akash in a dilemma. Payal was sick, and needed his support. One should take care of their loved ones. Orelse, they would turn into another ASR. Who lost his love. Due to his over-inflated ego.

"The meeting is in Lucknow Bhai..." Akash whispered softly.

"I know Akash...I know. But she (Khushi) needs this one thing. I will not break her trust by meeting her. She deserves to be happy. Let her be so."
I sighed. She can only live in my thoughts now.

The next morning I left early as usual. Akash has informed the family about my business meeting. He was the medium of communication between the family and me these days. Things would turn more awkward with my presence for all. So avoiding them felt like a better way out.
But I my heart betrayed me. Yesterday I texted Khushi about the fact that I will be coming to Lucknow for work. She did not reply. I understood her silence. She had every right to remain silent. I wish I could explain this logic to my heart.

Khushi POV
Reena Chachi says tonight we have a huge catering order. We will be providing dinner for a business party. One in which the Chief Miniser of Lucknow will be present as well. We cannot afford to make any mistake. I have taken extra care about each & everything. I have to remain at the venue till the dinner is served. I will not disappoint Chachi. Thats my promise to myself.

Unknown POV
"Yes Sir...I will shoot the CM in today's party. You will have no problems. I promise today will be the last day of his life. You just keep the final amount ready. Thank you." The call ended soon.
I will accomplish this task today itself. "Listen everyone!!!.. all 14 of us need to be very here is my plan listen carefully..."

Arnav POV
I reached the party venue. Everyone was busy mingling. I had no time to socialise. My task was to find  Mr. Singh our client and convince him about our deal. But he seemed very busy chatting with the CM of Lucknow who happened to be Chief guest of tonights party. I was about to walk towards him to discuss my proposal when I felt the change in the air. I felt the breeze telling me about her. OMG!!!...Khushi. She is here. In this party...and I frantically started looking here and there...

Khushi POV
The food was delivered in the kitchen area successfully. Now all I had to do was make sure that everything is served in an orderly manner. I was about to enter the hall when I felt the change in air...a long breeze of air caressed my face...making me aware of his presence...Oh Devi Maiyya....he is here...when he texted me last might about his meeting...he meant this party, did he??
  And then I saw him....standing a few feet away...he was looking at me directing...his eyes spoke so much...his appearance looked dull, ill and totally lost. But his eyes seemed happy. Like I was the cure to his disease.

Arnav POV
She looked so beautiful as always...but why did she appear to be so weak, her cheeks seemed to be hollow, she has lost so much weight. Did our separation affect her too...
Both of us slowly started walking towards one another...when suddenly everything turned into chaos.
I heard a loud gunshot...followed by a stampede...everyone was rushing here and there. I lost the sight of Khushi....she disappeared in a second...and my heart was beating irratically...her safety was most important. Something big was about to happen. It was a gut feeling.

And yet again everyone stopped moving. 14 people wearing black masks with guns in their hands ordered everyone to be quiet. The CM was being held at gun point. His bodyguards were asked to drop their guns. But I missed something really important in the midst of all this. Apart from the CM, 13 other masked men held different people as hostage and one of them was my love, my wife...Khushi.

Khushi POV
One minute I was staring at Arnavji. And in the next minute someone had dragged my away. After a while of pulling and pushing I realized in what grave danger I was. A gun was pointed at my forehead. A few more people along with me were held in a similar manner. Someone was trying to kill the CM Sir it seemed.

The guy who held our CM ordered loudly. " If your bodygaurds wont drop their weapons. Slowly one by one all the hostages will die. Choice is yours."

And suddenly out of nowhere Arnavji stood in front of me.

"Dont hurt her please!!...I beg you to take me instead...let her go. Are you listening to me...let her go damn it!"
It hurt me to see him like this. We looked into each others eyes. No words were spoken but still each one understood what the other was saying.
But our communication was shortlived. Suddenly one masked man moved towards Arnavji and  hit him on his head. He collapsed right in front of my eyes. And that was when I shouted his name.

Arnav POV
I pleaded with the goon who held my beloved to let her go but they were prepared it seemed. Out of nowhere I felt a deep pain near my forehead. Darkness started surrounding me. But what remained in my memory was how Khushi called my name....ARNAVJI...
Minutes or hours....I had no recognition of how much time had passed. Khushi's voice kept echoing in my ears...the way she called my name. I heard my name being called with so much love and affection after so long. She really is an angel. Her voice is like the bells of heaven.
It took me a while to realize what was going on.
Something was caressing my palms. I felt warmth return in my fingers. Slowly...and painstaking slowly...I opened my eyes. And in the blurry environment, I heard my name again. She was beside me somewhere.

Khushi POV
After sometime all the hostages were forced to sit down in one corner of the kitchen area. Arnavji was brought along as well. I cried so hard. There was no one to help. These goons took away our cellphones too.
When all the masked men left and only one remained to guard the door, I slowly crawled towards my husband.
"Arnavji...Arnavji please answer me...can you hear me...please get up.."
I rubbed his palms vigorously. It took me ages. But slowly I could sense some movement. His eyes were fluttering with consciousness.

"I am here. I am here Arnavji. Please open your eyes?!?"

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