Meandering through Life!

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Khushi POV
Reena Chachi left my room long ago. It was past midnight. But I kept pondering over her words. She is elder to me. She has experienced so much in her life. What she said holds true. One cannot cheat death. There no guarantee in life. Time flies away.
It has been months now. I moved away from Delhi, to get some peace of mind, to become more stable both emotionally and financially. Now even after doing the same I dont feel a sense of completeness in my life.
Why? Where does my happiness lie?
Arnavji once told me that ASR is dead for you from now onwards. And the reason why my life took a wrong turn was ASR and his ego. After realizing the truth Arnavji became a changed man. He apologized to me. To everyone. He even revealed the truth regarding the contract. He got slapped, his family punished him and I left him. And he continues to feel guilty.
The Arnavji I met during the party was a really caring and honest man. He trusted me. He offered me his friendship. His orders changed to requests. His anger and taunts turned into smiles and advices.
What more am I waiting for? Maybe I should not forgive him so soon....maybe I should take more time to think...but I dont want this "maybe" to be replaced by "what ifs". This is not a quick decision. This is me not wanting to regret life with a what if. I need my friend who will give me a sound advice. And I know what I am supposed to do now.

Arnav POV
Di's delivery had changed everything for our family. And Pari is really a lucky charm for me. Because it is when I was holding this angel in arms that Di decided to inform everyone in the family how we have sorted things now. And Pari's Arnav Mamu deserves forgiveness now. In the midst of Pari's welcome everyone smiled at me after so long.

When I spoke to Khushi and made her hear Pari's baby voices Di saw how happy I was. She found it shocking though. It was then that I told her everything about the party, the attack, and our new formed friendship. She scolded me for not telling her, fussed over me for being in danger and hugged me when I mentioned about being friend with my wife.

We returned back from the hospital. But not to Shantivan. Pari's new home should be filled with new and happy memories. Thats what I explained to everyone. And we all shifted to our new mansion which Di named Parilok, with pride.
But Nani's one look said it all. She knew very well why I moved away from Shantivan. Thankfully, she never mentioned this everyone.
Khushi's words were haunting me for months now.
I am also a human being. I too have emotions. Arnavji's room feels like a prison to me. I suffocate over there. The poolside brings back dark memories filled with hurt and pain. And Di's room makes me remember how Shyamji had his evil eyes on me. How everytime I had to runaway to protect myself.
And so I had decided that as soon as Di and her baby arrives it will be easy to coax everyone into agreeing for this move.

Khushi POV
"Chachi I hope you feel bad about my decision. But I believe this is the right thing for me. I have called a few of my contacts. There are some very honest and sincere people who will be a perfect replacement for me..." I tried explaining her.
"Beta...its dont have to explain anything to me. Do you know something dear? I have been observing you very keenly since you arrived here in Lucknow. These old eyes have seen a lot Khushi. And I have seen you go through a chain of emotions. Hurt, betrayal, pain, angst, sadness, acceptance, calm, happiness and lastly joy. I never understood the reason for all these. Anyhow one thing is clear. You have healed now. I see a positive change in you child."
Reena Chachi was everything I needed. She became a mother figure for me in just a few months. So I hugged her. And this hug was filled with love, thankfulness and happiness.

Next day at Nawab Railway Station, Lucknow.
"Chachi I have arrived safely at the station. Please dont worry so much ok. And I found my seat as well. You take care alright. I will call you as soon as I reach Delhi, ok." I cut the call with a smile.

"Family call?" A voice asked. I looked up to see a man in his thirties asking with an eagerness visible in his voice.

"Yes you could say that." I answered while keeping my bag under my seat.

"I love big families. They never fail to amaze me. So many people laughing, eating and even fighting together seems like fun, right? I wish I too had a big family...but thats not the case for me I suppose." He said.

"Why have a nuclear family or something?" I asked curiously

"Nope. I only have a Dad who is a work-o-holic. No time for me at all. For me it has always been boarding schools, out of station univ. and now a job in Delhi. But I like being surrounded by people. I went for a trip with my friends . Came back from Shimla last night and now have to go back to work. By the way I am Karan Gupta. You must be thinking what a fool I am, talking non stop to you even though I am a stranger...haha?" He said.

"I see. Even though your Dad cant make time for you, you have some really loving friends that is nice. Is Shimla that good...I should visit it someday too then. And I dont think there is anything wrong in talking and chatting. I love to talk as well. Sometimes you can make good friends for life while doing so. And nice to meet you Karanji, I am Khushi Kumari Gupta." I replied.

"Gupta? Is it? I have a weird feeling...what if we are some old lost sibling duo, and are having a reunion in a typical bollywood style.....I feel something suspicious is going on...dont you?" Karanji said with a funny face.
And in this similar manner Karanji and I laughed like crazy throughout our journey. Making poor jokes and singing filmy songs.

"You know Khushi....I should call you Arjun from now on.." he said

"Why so..." I asked, knowing very well how this is going to end.

"Because you are my lost brother from last birth...remember Karan-Arjun...Srk and Salman Khan." He said laughing again.
I was in tears, on the floor and Karanji was no better. He was holding his stomach and laughing like hyena.

"Very soon we will be arriving in Delhi. I would love to catch up with you sometime again Karanji. I should save your number." I said.
And we exchanged numbers with a melodramatic filmy goodbye.

I knew where I had to go first. So without a thought I took a taxi and headed straight to my destination.

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