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6 months later....

Khushi POV
"Aranvji let me go. We dont have the time to romance any more. As it is you kept me awake half the night yesterday. Come on. Now get up and get going. We dont have much time." I scolded and smiled at him simultaneously.
But my naughty husband never leaves a chance to love me. Right now he was holding me hostage on our bed. And as much as I wanted to be with him...I could not. Being the eldest daughter in law of this house, I had to take care of today's preparations.
"Oh come on my Jalebi. Nobody will notice if you are a few minutes late. I have every right to be with my wife. No one can stop Arnav Singh Raizada from loving his beloved." Saying that he started tickling me here and there.
I was laughing like crazy with tears in my eyes.
"Arnavji. Stop. Please. We have to be downstairs at the earliest. How can we be selfish today. This is Di and Karan Jeejaji's special day. Finally after so long they are getting engaged to one another. After everything that we did to bring them together, dont you think we should help them some more. Untill they get married we have to ensure that everything goes smoothly." I said.

Arnav POV
My wife as usual always gives priority to every relation of hers. And I completely understood what she was trying to say. I still remember how Di had avoided Karan's proposal altogether. It took us weeks to convince her that the reason for this proposal was only love and not pity. She misunderstood Karan's affection as pity for her and Pari. And finally when she had agreed it took another 5 months for the divorce proceedings to complete. And just a week ago her divorce was finalized.
Both Di and Karan were finally getting engaged to one another after waiting for so long.
"Yes my wife. I totally agree with you. We should get ready and be downstairs for todays function. But how should I convince my poor heart to let you go. See even my arms are locked. I think the keys are lost somewhere in Bermuda triangle." I winked.
"Will a kiss help in breaking the lock?" She asked innocently. Knowing very well how to make me agree.
"Ofcourse. A long kiss filled with love might help." I smirked.
And my Khushi never fails to surprise me. After marriage I realized... how I got a secret wild cat. She can be equally passionate when she wants to be.
She took charge and smooched me for 2 long minutes. And after making sure that I was dizzy with her love she ran away to the washroom.

I loved my life. Thinking about the happiness and peace I have in my life today, I walked towards the DM idol in our room and lit up the lamp. I bowed my head and said a silent thank you. And with another smirk joined Khushi in the washroom. Which I knew she left unlocked for me.

Anjali POV
"Ok. Ok. Relax Karan. Quiet. Listen to me now. Everything is fine. You need to get ready in an hour. Akaash and NK bhai will arrive to your place in another 5 minutes. Calm down now. I am not planning to runaway with Pari to Lucknow." I tried to bring his hyperness down to normal.
"Fine. I am calm. And dont you dare talk about going anywhere with my Pari. I will have to fit a GPS in your body some day. Why do you have to scare me with that threat always? I am cool. I am relaxed. Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. Yeah. We will get engaged today by hook or crook. Dont worry. Chillax. I need to get ready soon. You too get ready. Bye." With that he cut the call.

Oh DM. He is trying to calm down by telling me to chill and relax. Hahaha. I will never understand this man. And GPS. A navigator in my body. He will never stop making me laugh. Thats for sure. Alright Raizada. Time to get ready. And yet again my phone started ringing. This guy...

Khushi POV
"HPji did you arrange the flowers? And what about the fairylights?" I was running here and there.
"Khushi bitiya HHBB let me check on Anjali bitiya?" Mami said in a hurry.
"Yes Mami. And I will see if Pari is awake now.." I went to my room where Pari was sleeping from last half an hour.

"Arnavji...psss...Arnavji..." I called him in a loud whisper. He was sitting on the recliner trying to button up his kurta and was failing miserably.
"Yeah Khushi....listen help me love...I think I misbuttoned this thing." He said with a cute pout.
I smiled at his expressions. This man can be as loud as a bull in his office. But here with me he is a softie. Like a teady-bear.
"Come here let me help you." He walked towards me and held my bare waist. The saree that I am wearing right now is designed by my very own husband. And he made this blouse purposely shorter than normal. When I asked him why? his reply turned me red. Easy access.

"Here...its done. Now tell me. How am I looking? Do you know my husband designed this for me Arnavji?" I asked with a wink.
"No I was not aware dear....really now...is it? Then I must say this dress was made specifically for you. Your beauty enhanced the design of this piece. Too sexy for your own good." He said teasingly.
"Shall we wake up Pari?" I asked blushingly.
"Alright wifey." He replied and we took a sleepy Pari to attend her Mom and Dad's engagement.

The engagement:

Karan POV
Once the rings were exchanged I sighed in relief. Pheww. First step complete, I convinced my heart. The path of true love is filled with thorns...but in the end it blooms with beautiful roses. That is what life taught me.

"So Karan Jeejaji...now all of us are officially relatives huh." Khushi said with a smile.
"That is true Khushi. And here I was worried about adopting you. But Arnav is a great guy. He took away my problem with a smile. Now I am no longer tensed thinking about who will take responsibility for you, kid." He laughed along with others.
"Hawww....you called me a problem, a kid? Let me remind you dear Jeejaji...it was this kid who helped you in convincing Di to be your life partner." I stated pointing at myself.
"Yes...my wife is right. Both of us deserve the credits for this alliance. But yes you are right in calling her a kid. And your welcome. I like helping others you know." Arnav teased Khushi.

Anjali POV
"Excuse me? Why are you all troubling my Bhabhi huh. Khushiji you dont listen to them. They dont know anything about kindness. Men. Huhh." I said while giving a side hug to Khushiji.
"Wooahh. The women in our lives are scary good. Arnav I think its better to surrender. For the sake of our safe and healthy future." Karan admitted with a smile.
"Exactly Jeejaji. You are absolutely right." Chotte and Karan held their ears in front of Khushiji and she gave a winning smile in return.

"Ok now give my Pari to me Khushiji. I think she is missing her Mom." I said
"No give her to me. My baby girl is missing me, her Dad, right angel?" Karan quickly took Pari from Khushiji.

And I smiled thinking about our futures. Almost a year ago like an explosion an ugly truth was revealed to us by NK bhai. And today things have turned out to be so positive. With Devi Maiyya's blessing we will always be together. From now on there wont be any tears, pain or hurt. Only happiness and joy will exist.

Thats the epilogue my friends. Saying goodbye wont be easy. But I have a good news. A new story is running in my mind again ;)
And it will be titled as: You Gave Birth to ASR (Aashiq Singh Raizada). And this story will be a light romantic comedy. So hold your breaths. And wait for the same. This is me Rabia Khan signing off from The Moment of Truth!

The Moment of Truth!!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora