An Angel arrives!

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Arnav POV
Khushi is right. I have to talk to Di. I need to do something. If she wont listen to me in this house then there is a place where she wont be able to avoid me. Today I am gonna sort out this issue. I wont regret trusting me Khushi. I will live up to the faith you have in me.

Third person POV
Everyone was present at the DM temple. Different people asking for different things. Some were simply being thankful. And yet some were being greatful for their lives. And there were 2 ASRs here today. Both guilty and hurt. Blaming themselves for spoiling the life of a precious soul. Anjali Singh Raizada 9 months pregnant now. She had asked for a different future. But life is not a fairytale. It is about accepting the realities. It is about being happy with everything that has been gifted to you. And Anjali understood that completely now. She had her entire family and her little angel to look ahead in life. A purpose, a future.
And another ASR, was present in the temple as well. Arnav Singh Raizada, who never believed in DM after his painful past. He had realized how he tried to play God and destroyed Khushi. His life would have been different if only he had overcome his trust issues. But now was the time to forget all regrets. It was time to make changes for the better & ask for forgiveness.

Arnav POV
I walked up the stairs of the temple and stood behind di, she was praying and I followed her suit. With folded hands and closed eyes I tried to find the purpose of my life. This is it, I said to myself.
"Di...." I called out.
"Please turn around. Please dont avoid me...just once hear me out...If you still dont want me around I will understand. Let me explain my side of the story. Please..." I pleaded like a broken tape.

She turned around not looking at me at all. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. And then she walked away only to sit on a bench nearby.
I too followed her.

"You think I enjoy avoiding you. It has not been easy for me too. My only brother, who always shared his thoughts with me, for whom I was his mother figure, he failed me. He made me a criminal. I became the sole reason, for ruining Khushiji's life. Do you know it kills me to think that my brother is now responsible for playing with a girl's life. No you dont know anything you dont..." and she slowly she started weeping.

My never ending crimes will always haunt me. Di is right.

"Di...I know...I know. I cannot sleep at night. Her face, her tears they are an everyday nightmare for me. I never think, before my actions. You always explained to me, how I should change this behavior of mine. And today I regret the day I took your warnings lightly. Di...I..I...dont know how to say this. But you are a mother figure to me. And watching Shyam hugging Khushi that day on the terrace brought out the worst in me. It was not just about you Di. For the first time in my life I fell in love Di. She became my happiness. And when I was about to confess my feelings to her, the sight that welcomed me was so heartbreaking that all I could think about was your protection and my revenge.
Instead of clarifying things with Khushi I misjudged her. My past came back. It felt like Shyam and Khushi became Arvind Mallik. And I hurt her Di. I humiliated her feelings. I destroyed her love for me.  And the only thought that ran in mind was of a contract marriage. And that is what I did. And that contract turned out to be a perfect disaster in all our lives.
I am sorry Di. Please forgive me...please I apologize to you. I need you Di. Only you can make things right for me...." with that I cried. I broke down. For the first time ASR felt defeated.

Anjali POV
I caressed his head. He created a huge mess. My brother fell in love. And he who could to any lengths to keep his loved ones close to him, tried to bind and force Khushiji. He misunderstood her and her love.
" will fall sick...stop crying.."
"What did you say...?" He looked up with red eyes that reflected joy after a long time.
" chotte..." I said smiling at him.

And in the midst of Devi Maiyya's shrine we found our peace. We found our way back to each other.
"Ouchh...ahhh...." I cried in pain.
"DI...whats wrong...are you..?" He shot up like a bullet knowing very well that the time had come...I was in labor.

Khushi POV
I had taken off from work today. I felt like visiting the temple. It had been too long since I had the chance to discuss my worries with DM. It was a pleasant day to be outside. Sitting in the temple near DM made me feel calm after so long. I shut my eyes and prayed. For my happiness and peace. For a better life. For Arnavji, who was now a very good friend to me.

In the middle of my prayers I received a call from Arnavji. Maybe he spoke to Di. I should answer it.

"....eeeeeeh.....aennnnn...." I could here a slight giggle...gurgling sounds...babbling. It sounded beautiful. But what does this means.
"Hello...Arnavji?" I tried again.
"Did you hear her greetings Khushi...? He asked, smile evident in his voice.
"Arnavji...who was that.." I asked in confusion.
"That was Pari Singh Raizada...Di's angel is here Khushi..." he said softly.
And both me and DM felt happiness and content.
"Pari...Pari...such a beautiful name. Congratulations...I am so happy for Di. She deserves this."

I felt so happy. A new hope and happiness. That was very much needed in Shantivan. Pari will be the light up the darkness present there. She is a gift and blessing by DM. Thank you DM...thank you.

Later after dinner, I was watching TV to kill the time when I heard a knock on the door. It was Reena Chachi standing outside with 2 cups of tea. I quickly gestured her to come inside. This was her house and to see her knocking on the door felt embarassing.

"I thought we should chat with some tea...what do you think?" She said.
"Ofcourse Chachi...please make yourself comfortable."
"It feels strange to be here with you..." she said in a trailing voice.
"What do you mean Chachi.." I asked.
"This was your Chacha's workplace. He made clay utensils here all night. And at times I joined him too. Spending some moments here and there. Taking care of one another. Those days are just reminders now. Of some beautiful memories that we made." She said.
"You loved Chachaji a lot right..?" I asked watching the slight smile on her face.
"I still do. We had our share of painful memories too. Our fights, disagreements, and taunts to one another. But all I have is his absence now. I wish I could reverse the time. You wont realize it now Khushi. And I hope you will never feel this way. When your loved one, your happiness is forcefully taken away from you by death, it kills you. You just live in regret and pain. Time never waits for anyone.
Khushi if happiness knocks your door someday dont think twice. Dont let your pride get in the way. Sometimes death can cheat you in the worst possible way. So always give your life a chance. Life gave me a huge lesson. In my pride, I lost my husband. We fought a lot before his accident. Steal your happiness if you have to. Life is too short for regrets, pain and hurt."

Her words kept ringing in my mind.

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