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24th July 3117

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24th July 3117

Dear diary,

It's ordinary, warm and sunny day.

The climate has drastically changed in the past few years. The rainfall has reduced to a minimum, while the temperature has crossed 40°C in summer.

People started dying because of sudden changes and all that because of weird and abnormal acivities of celestial bodies and underground.
The scientists had for years searched for a logic explanation for this what is currently happening, but they haven't yet found an overly satisfactory solution, except that one person can somehow change that climate and stop upcoming cataclysm.

A person that knows the universe and keeps it in palm like a drop of water.

That person should go into the hole that arose a few days ago as a result of the earthquake and the sudden flood of rainfall that came from, ask God, where.

The hole is deep, maybe across a mile and only the craziest person would go down there, in complete darkness.

But believe me, that person is crazy enough to do it.
I know, sounds stupid and impossible.

Especially when that person is me.

And I agreed on that ridiculous idea.

Honestly, I don't know what is waiting for me down there or is there anything else but disgusting dampness, dilapidated dirt and limestone or whatever rocks.

Actually, it's not even clear why would they even send me there in the first place. Like there are answers for what happened in the past few years.
Oh, please.

I won't find any answers there and plus, I might even die!

Sounds like a fairytale, right?

What made me agree to this? Ah yes, the government that threatened me that they will hurt my family after the threat with death didn't work. I don't care about them threatening me with death when I'm the only one who can save their rich ass, sorry for the phrase, and if they hurt me, they're going to hell with me, but if they hurt my family that's already another story.

I don't even have to mention how my mother almost had a mental breakdown after I told her this delightful news (catch sarcasm).
But, not even her infinite curses and cries weren't enough to stop me to get into that plane to Russia.

She unfortunately didn't know about blackmail and I didn't want her to, for her own good.

Anyway, that's why I agreed on that because I don't want my loved ones to suffer because of me and my excessive knowledge about the universe... I don't even understand what the universe has with that random hole in a ground.

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