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26th July 3117

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26th July 3117

Dear Diary,

I'm alive. You won't believe me what I've been through, but I don't have time to tell you again.

I probably have dark circles under my eyes because I can't fall asleep. I don't know for how long I will be able to do this since I'm very weak. I feel like my energy has decreased to almost nothing and I get tired too fast. I still don't feel the hunger and thirst, but that doesn't matter now. Do you remember the "devil" I was telling you about? His name is Gabriel and Gabriel, if you're reading this, you're not fair. You promised not to, and I hope you will keep the promise. Anyways, diary, you're no longer a safe place to confess about my thoughts and forgive me for that. I'll write you soon, at least I hope so.


I was walking through the abandoned hallway of Russian explorers while rubbing my bare arms because of the coldness that was penetrating into my body.

The walls were damp and I felt like I was in a wine cellar somewhere in France.

I got rid of that disgusting protective suit because it started to suffocate me and it reminded me of everything I've been through so far.

"Where are we going?" I interrupted the deadly silence and started walking faster so I could catch up with his fast footsteps. 

"Somewhere where you can rest, you're too weak." I frowned even though he spoke the truth.

I've never been a typical little girl like others, I was a bit odd to them. I never fought with nails, didn't scream when I saw the insect and I was not a spoiled princess.

When he said I was too weak, I got it as an insult even though I was really weak. I haven't eaten for about two days, and I spent all my energy on descending, fighting and trying to escape.

I'm so exhausted and I would like a little sleep and rest, I admit.

"Wait, I have to rest a little." I stopped and leaned against the wall to catch my breath because his quick tempo was just too fast for me.

"No standing." He replied roughly and it made me roll my eyes.

"Why?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall even more. I almost sat down on the floor.

"You're an easy target. You're slow, weak, and your heart is beating like crazy. It's like the most beautiful melody for the vampires." I almost choked when he said that.

There are more of these creatures? Oh my God, what is this place?

"There are more?" I blinked several times like it will help sharpen my eyesight.

My skin shivered and all senses heightened. I listened to the smallest sound.

I don't want to end up like a main course.
God help me.

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