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My heart fastened its rhythm, while the chest began to shrink and lift like all air was gone out of my lungs

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My heart fastened its rhythm, while the chest began to shrink and lift like all air was gone out of my lungs.

I rose to the heavens.

My arms wanted to wrap around his silk neck, while the lips wanted to feel that indescribable softness of his.

And it would have happened, but my mind prevented me from running into a deadly embrace in the last second, flashing me with the image of gray eyes, which brought me to the beginning when the black-haired girl had the exact same expression on her face.

It was like some old movie and an expression of evil and danger, which was lately glueing to me like a limpet.

He is not good.



I instinctively stepped back, not believing my own eyes that Gabriel is just standing in front of me.

Maybe I'm dreaming?

"I've always wanted to do this."
For a moment, he looked back at Natasha's lifeless body and then back at me.

Dark blood was still dripping from the tip of his fingers, and a dark glance transmitted fear in my direction.

Do what? Pull the lively heart out of  her chest?

What then he wants to do to you? Break your neck? Do the same like he did to Natasha or something third?

My inner voice sent the chills  down my body, and my skin felt like it was exposed to a cold Russian winter.

You could have seen the confused expression on my face, while I was looking at the contours of Natasha's body in the bloody pond, which was slowly imbibing her golden hair.

Then my eyes switched to Valentin, who was still unconscious lying beside the broken wall.

The escape problem seemed to be solved.

"What is it?" Gabriel interrupted the fresh silence and made me jump in the place because his voice suddenly got so deep.

He didn't have the irresistible smile on his face anymore, but was looking in my direction with furrowed eyebrows, while I would make a step backwards every few seconds without even realizing. 

A horrible and unknown feeling flowed through my body while I was trying to gather my thoughts and answer calmly, but in vain.

No words left my mouth.

"Kristal?" He called my name when I didn't answer to his previous question, not even make a simple eye contact.

I still wasn't answering, I just stared at him in the inability to concentrate on reality.

In my thoughts I was everywhere, but not and here. I completely wandered off.

The thoughts were screaming at me and I wanted to silence them, but unsuccessfully. They were way louder than my mind, assuring me that my death is just standing in front of me.

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