1. Family Vacation

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Answer: We were roommates at college.

Today is going to be the best day ever. We're going to the most magical place in the whole world, somewhere even more magical than my house which has two of the most powerful warlocks. Trust me it's not easy to be better than my family. Not only are there the two warlocks, but there's also two of the best shadowhunters. Well, one's the best and the other is okay; my brother can be a jerk sometimes. He's not as bad though when his girlfriend, Catherine, is here. She's so pretty and a warlock like me. She was my teacher but then Rafe stole her away from me. She still teaches me but now I'll never have a shot with her and not because I'm ten years younger than her. But, we'll see, I mean my dad's are like hundreds of years apart in age. There's also the fact-

"What are you writing, Max?" Rafe grabbed Max's notebook out of his hand but Max quickly used the trick that his Dad had taught him to make it disappear.

"Get out of my room!" Max yelled at him and crossed his arms.

"Whatever, horns." Rafe ruffled his brother's hair and ran off.

"Papa told you not to call me that!" Max chucked a baseball at him with his magic.

"Ow!" Rafe grabbed his thigh after the ball hit it. "And I thought Papa told you not to use your magic on me."

"No, Dad said that and you know he's not going to do anything about it." Max snickered.

"Max," Magnus looked at him from the doorway. "I will do something so be nice to your brother. And Rafe, stop calling him horns, he clearly doesn't like it."

"Yeah, that's the exact point of doing it." Rafe gave Magnus a look that terrified him, he looked just like Alec with that snarky frown and wrinkle in his brows. Rafe was only seventeen and yet, he looked like he could already be the head of the Institute. Magnus was grateful that Alec and Max had come up with the plan for their family vacation.

"If you're going to keep calling him then be prepared to be hit by flying things." Magnus shrugged.

"No, no, no." Alec walked in shaking his head. "Max, don't use your magic on your brother and Rafe, sure the name is accurate, but Max hates it so try and find something else. If not then you can fight it out, without magic or runes."

"Oh, can we fight right now?" Rafe smirked at Max who rose his fists.

"Sure." Magnus and Alec stepped into the hallway as the boys stepped closer to each other.

"What are the stakes?" Magnus asked as he flourished his hand to bring out a quill and scroll.

"If I win he stops calling me that stupid name!" Max growled.

"Be specific, my young knight." Alec said in an old, english accent.

"Right, If I win Rafe will stop calling me Horns." Max said clearly.

"Very well, Sir Max." Magnus bowed and scribbled it down.

"And you?" Alec asked Rafe.

"If I win, I get to read Max's diary." Rafe declared.

"What? No way!" Max looked at his dads.

"Rafe, you know the rules. You can't choose something that invades his privacy." Magnus gave him a pointed look.

"Fine, if I win I get to call him horns and he can't hit me with things when I do it." Rafe raised his eyebrow in a challenge at Max who scrunched his face up angrily.

"All right. And the fight begins!" Alec threw a pillowcase down and the boys grabbed onto the other's hand as their thumbs started warring.

"Hello?" Catherine called from the front door.

"We're in Max's room!" Magnus called out because Rafe was too focused on the thumb war to talk.

"Why?" Catherine asked but then heard the grunting and arguing. She stepped between Alec and Magnus to see her boyfriend and his little brother concentrated on each other. "What's the fight about?"

"Max wants Rafe to stop calling him horns; Rafe wants to continue." Alec said without looking at her.

"Seriously?" She laughed. "You are all a bunch of idiots."

"Do you want in on the bet of who's going to win?" Magnus asked her and held out his hand.

She slapped five dollars in his hand. "I'll put five on the little one."

"All right." Magnus tucked the money into his pocket and declared the end of round one and the current leader.

"It was pretty close, Horns." Rafe smiled at his little brother.

"Joke's on you because I like the name." Max said.

"Sure." Rafe ruffled his hair. "Ready to go to disneyland?"


They all grabbed their bags and went to the door.

I'll post the other contest entries when I go to lunch. It wasn't wanting to post earlier.
Question: Favorite movie

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